Simple cross platform asset packer for use with games & standalone applications
The benefit of packing assets with this library vs resource files or binary blobs is still maintaining a virtual filesystem and cross platform compatibility.
-append : appends an image file to another file
Usage: assetpacker -append image.bin test.exe
-compile : Compiles a directory into an image.bin
Usage: assetpacker -compile ./directory <multiple files/directories>
-extract : extracts an image file into a directory (prompts for directory)
Usage: assetpacker -extract image.bin
-find : finds and lists an image embedded within another file
Usage: assetpacker -find test.exe
-help : Displays this help text
-list : lists files inside an image
Usage: assetpacker -list image.bin
Loading an asset image from a file:
#include "AssetPacker.h"
AssetPacker::fileImageMap_t files;
AssetPacker::loadImage("myImage.bin", files);
for (auto& i : files)
std::cout << i.second.path << " (" << i.second.size << " bytes)" << std::endl;
Create an asset image:
#include "AssetPacker.h"
AssetPacker::pathList_t files; // an std::vector of file paths
AssetPacker::makeImage("image.bin", files);
Find an image embedded in a file:
#include "AssetPacker.h"
AssetPacker::fileImageMap_t files;
if (AssetPacker::findImageInFile("myEmbeddedImage.exe", files))
for (auto& i : files)
std::cout << i.second.path << " (" << second.size << " bytes)" << std::endl;
std::cout << "Could not find image in file" << std::endl;