
Netcraft Academy 2nd lesson homework

Primary LanguageHTML

#Third Lesson

What do we need when we get a page design?

Direction type: RTL

  • Header:

  • Logo + navbar (background: #282828)

  • Main image:

  • text heading (white)

  • image, (background: #949381)

  • botom black border (about 10px)(background: #282828)

  • Main:

  • background: #e9e9e9

  • Heading (h3)(#444444), left side showing time per lecture (same color)

  • 1*6 thumbnails with short description of the lecturer:

  • background png with lecturer pic

  • below:

  • (white) box with a short desctiption (p) (15px border radius )

  • at the top of the box another "speach" box with the lecturer title (h3) + name (p) (background: #d0eae9).

ALWAYS Think Ahead

We will devide our file system to a few files of CSS, HTML and JS


Because then, if we will need to modify our color pallet, we will change our colors.css file, instead the entire CSS file.

Design to Markup

What to look at first?


  • Write everything on a paper (or note)
  • the name should describe the role of each components
  • breakdown the elements for each section
  • hierarchy of components
  • Think In Patterns: e.g break down the page to reusable components.

HTML 5 Semantics

What does it mean? A common language between the developers (example:

). Also, google uses its algorithm to grade website by good semantics.

Sectioning & Grouping Elements


  • <nav></nav> - represents a section of a page that links to other pages or to parts within the page: a section with navigation links.
  • <article></article> - represents a self-contained composition in a document, page, application, or site, which is intended to be independently distributable or reusable.
  • <section></section> - represents a generic section of a document, i.e., a thematic grouping of content, typically with a heading. Each <section> should be identified, typically by including a heading (<h1>-<h6> element) as a child of the <section> element.
  • <aside></aside> - represents a section of the page with content connected tangentially to the rest, which could be considered separate from that content.
  • <figure> and <figcaption> - the figcaption is used to describe the figure element.


  • <main></main>
  • <header></header>
  • <footer></footer>


Every Html tag have their own Attributes, a small section of tag have their own attributes (Ex. image has an attribute width and height).

2 types of elements:

  1. Block - Uses the Whole line (e.g <div>)
  2. Inline - Uses only the the space that it needs to (not taking a whole line, e.g <span>).

Unclosed tags - tags without a closing, will be inside the <head> tag and will show an informative content of the page, usually it will be a <meta> tag.


  1. Build the entire web_b03.png page
  2. Get all the components descriptions from the MDN
