What you're going to make

Your mission: build a Twitter clone using Angular that consumes your sinatra api

User stories

  • A user can create an account
  • A user can login/logout from their account
  • User passwords should be encrypted and stored in a password-hash field. You may implement this yourself or use the bcyrpt gem
  • A user is directed to their profile page upon logging in
  • A user can see their last 50 tweets on their profile
  • A user can post a new tweet(no longer than 140 characters)
  • A user can follow friends
  • A user can be followed
  • A user can navigate to view other users' profiles
  • A user can see a list of who they follow
  • A user can see a list of who follows them
  • A user can see a "home" page which displays tweets from all users limited to 50 tweets


  • Add validation to the user model including password length and appropriately formated email
  • Display appropriate error messages to the user for invalid data
  • Unit tests to test your Sinatra routes
  • Make it responsive and show off your design skills

To create your database and run migrations

  1. bundle exec rake db:create
  2. bundle exec rake db:migrate

To peek around your database from the console

  1. bundle exec rake console

As needed, create models & migrations with the rake tasks:

rake generate:migration  # Create an empty migration in db/migrate, e.g., rake generate:migration NAME=create_users
rake generate:model      # Create an empty model in app/models, e.g., rake generate:model NAME=User

To start up the app

  1. bundle install
  2. shotgun config.ru
  3. navigate to http://localhost:9393

File structure guide

  • The angular app is initialized in layout.erb. From here you can call in javascript, css and vendor files as needed
  • Postgres and Active Record(a simple orm) are configured in the config folder
  • In app/controllers you can find 2 simple sample routes
  • The public folder has starter files for css and angular with examples