
Unlocking the Cruze, one byte at a time.

GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Unlocking the Cruze, one byte at a time.


The project was started by Justin Hoogestraat 'Snipesy' in January 2016. It originally started as a simply post on the CruzeTalk forums to explore the inner workings of the ECM. It has since evolved to be a heavilly featured platform for tuning the Cruze.

Other Contributors

  • Men and Women at https://www.efilive.com/ for supplying the tools and software to make this project a reality.
  • Donatas Jasulaitis for contributing to the development.


Assuming default installation...

  • https://github.com/Snipesy/Cruze/archive/master.zip
  • Click the above link. Use the files from the .zip as copying the files directly from your browser will cause artifiacts.
  • Place 12662377.cax and 12658788.cax into "%programfiles(x86)%\EFILive\V7.5\Calibrations" for 64 bit systems or "%programfiles%\EFILive\V7.5\Calibrations" for 32 bit systems.
  • Place E47_Link.ini into "%programfiles(x86)%\EFILive\V7.5\Configuration" for 64 bit systems or "%programfiles%\EFILive\V7.5\Configuration" for 32 bit systems.
  • %programfiles(x86)% and %programfiles% are system enviorement variables. You can try "echo %programfiles%" in command prompt to verify.


  • This cax gives unrestricted access to the ECM paramaters. You are fully responsible for insuring the engine abides by all rules and legislation.
  • EFI Live is very 'dumb' when it comes to the E47. If at any point you recieve any value out of bounds error, overlap error, or just any error in genereal. DO NOT FLASH. The cax should load without any error.
  • Do not modify this CAX unless you are absoultely sure what you are doing. If you modify the OS or bootloader, EFI Live will do so without hesitation, and you will likely BRICK your ECM. Usually EFI Live will alert you if you try to modify the OS. But these checks DO NOT EXIST on the E47, nor can the cax add such securities.
  • The CAX is not dummy proof. You will destroy your engine if you are not careful. Just because the limit is set to 200 mm3 does not mean the limit is 200 mm3. The limits are merely there for sanity checks, and insure the file is not corrupted in some form. THEY ARE NOT GUIDELINES.
  • Insure you understand the license, and what it stands for. This entire cax is licensed under a GNU General Public License.


Check out the wiki (https://github.com/Snipesy/Cruze/wiki) for some in depth explanations.

Free License

GNU GPL3 License See https://github.com/Snipesy/Cruze/blob/master/LICENSE.md

Commercial License

A commercial licesnse is suitable if you cannot abide by the terms of the GPL3 license. For further information email contact@snipesy.com