
A Criminal Record WebApp using Firebase Realtime Database and Authentication.

Primary LanguageHTML

Thana Criminal Record System 🚔👮🏻‍♂️

A Criminal Record Management System using Firebase

This is a Data Structure and Algorithm Project Website. Just an extra effort to gain more marks and side by side learn WebDev.

Functionality of the website :

  1. Thana Website provides the functionality of login for the officials to login via unique id.
  2. Thana Website also has a Emergency Section which will display the contact numbers of all emergency services like police, hospital, fire station etc.
  3. It also displays the details of Police Officials like their Contact Number, Email ID and Designation.
  4. Then the most exciting feature of Thana is the Records section which includes :
    •Searching of particular Criminal Record.
    •Adding a new Criminal Record.
    •Modifying a existing Criminal Record.
    •Deleting a existing Criminal Record.

Technology used :

  1. HTML-5
  2. CSS
  3. JavaScript
  4. Bootstrap
  5. Google Firebase (to store criminal and official records).

Assets includes all Pictures used (Logo designed by me) and one PDF File (found online)

Website link:

Thana - Criminal Record System

Hope you like it! ✌🏻