Settings: CHAN - Master channel that all midi notes will be sent on first/second inequality - the inequality that the if statements use for the threshold. first_inequality is the one used to turh the note on => IF val first_inequality threshold => if the value of the note is __ than the thresh, turn on the note second_inequality - same as first, only turns note off coms port for MIDI library: useSWserial - uncomment if your using software serial
if your using software serial then please specify the pins under #define TX __ and #define RX __ useHWserial - [default] use basic arduino usb port for midi. Note: if using hardware serial, you cannot open a serial port [Serial.begin(xxx)] because it is already being used by the midi library pin numbers/notes/velocities as he name sugests, this section defines the pin number of every note, what note it actually plays, and the velocity of the note