Explore events

It's a software-based startup, a website catalogue for all the tech events, competition, workshops happening near you, basically a bridge between students and the organisers to help grow both , students to find events and showcase talent and organisers to find that talent

What compelled me to make this project :

Finding talent is hard. Showcasing your talent is harder. Yup, the purpose of this project is to make the above two processes easier. Period.

Marketing an event and making sure that it reaches to the best and most talented participants is always a huge task for event organizers, whereas on the other hand, an extremely talented programmer would rather spend time brainstorming algorithms than checking Facebook (on which details and information of many competition, events and workshop are posted) which gets missed by them, in turn, this gap between talent and it's discovery doesn't let skills and capabilities get recognized and on the manager's side who are awarding the best ones, doesn't get their best participants.

I am currently working on this project to give a platform and to provide a bridge between aspirants and discoverers. This project named "Explore Events" is a website catalog for all the tech events, competition, workshops happening near you, basically a bridge between students and the organizers to help grow both, students to find events and showcase brilliance and organizers to find those geniuses.

I wish to contribute my part, in making the world a better place.


  • To run this, you need set up a local MongoDB server or change the address, to an already existing one in /app.js

  • Clone the repository : git clone https://github.com/ishan-goswami/Explore-Events.git

  • Install dependencies : npm install

  • Run MongoDB using the following command : mongod

  • Open a new terminal and run the server : npm start

  • Visit the frontend server at :

Please note that this uses the sessions and users collection in the events database. If you are already using that, make a new database cluster.


Ishan Goswami & Aditya Dutt.