
kBET metrics does not work with scipy==1.14.0

Opened this issue · 1 comments


first of all I want to say that this is a great tool!

I ran into an error related to the recently released scipy version 1.14.0.
When trying to calculate the kBET score of an integration, I currently get the following error:

AttributeError                            Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[49], line 17
      1 selected_metrics = {
      2     'ari_' : True,
      3     'nmi_' : True,
     15     'n_cores' : 20
     16 }
---> 17 metrics_seurat_all = scib.metrics.metrics(adata, adata_seurat, batch_key, label_key, embed = 'X_pca', **selected_metrics)
     18 metrics_harmony_all = scib.metrics.metrics(adata, adata_harmony, batch_key, label_key, embed = 'X_harmony', **selected_metrics)
     19 metrics_hvg_all = scib.metrics.metrics(adata, adata_hvg, batch_key, label_key, embed = 'X_pca', **selected_metrics)

File ~/miniforge3/envs/angl_BM/lib/python3.12/site-packages/scib/metrics/, in metrics(adata, adata_int, batch_key, label_key, embed, cluster_key, cluster_nmi, ari_, nmi_, nmi_method, nmi_dir, silhouette_, si_metric, pcr_, cell_cycle_, organism, hvg_score_, isolated_labels_, isolated_labels_f1_, isolated_labels_asw_, n_isolated, graph_conn_, trajectory_, kBET_, lisi_graph_, ilisi_, clisi_, subsample, n_cores, type_, verbose)
    405 if kBET_:
    406     print("kBET...")
--> 407     kbet_score = kBET(
    408         adata_int,
    409         batch_key=batch_key,
    410         label_key=label_key,
    411         type_=type_,
    412         embed=embed,
    413         scaled=True,
    414         verbose=verbose,
    415     )
    416 else:
    417     kbet_score = np.nan

File ~/miniforge3/envs/angl_BM/lib/python3.12/site-packages/scib/metrics/, in kBET(adata, batch_key, label_key, type_, embed, scaled, return_df, verbose)
    170 nn_index_tmp[:] = np.nan
    172 try:
--> 173     nn_index_tmp[idx_nonan] = diffusion_nn(
    174         adata_sub_sub, k=k0
    175     ).astype("float")
    176     # call kBET
    177     score = kBET_single(
    178         matrix=matrix,
    179         batch=adata_sub.obs[batch_key],
    183         k0=k0,
    184     )

File ~/miniforge3/envs/angl_BM/lib/python3.12/site-packages/scib/metrics/, in diffusion_nn(adata, k, max_iterations)
    134     raise NeighborsError(
    135         f"could not find {k} nearest neighbors in {max_iterations}"
    136         "diffusion steps.\n Please increase max_iterations or reduce"
    137         " k.\n"
    138     )
    140 M.setdiag(0)
--> 141 k_indices = np.argpartition(M.A, -k, axis=1)[:, -k:]
    143 return k_indices

AttributeError: 'csr_matrix' object has no attribute 'A'

After a quick search, I found that this was most likely related to my currently installed scipy version 1.14.0. As described in the following issue and release notes of scipy v1.14.0, the .A attribute of a csr_matrix has been deprecated in this release.

Downgrading the scipy version to v1.13.0 solved the issue for me.

Best regards!

Just encountered this issue in OpenProblems as well!

Thanks for posting a workaround, @kollo97 !