
🛠️ Data APIs used by testausserveri.fi

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Testausapis provides API-endpoints for Testausserveri's general tasks, such as:

  • GitHub organization self-service joining
  • Statistics and dynamic data for our homepage

Table of Contents

API Documentation

This is the API documentation for the current version 1.

The base server url is https://api.testausserveri.fi. The API doesn't require authentication as it is currently purely for public open use.



GET /v1/discord/guildInfo

Daily activity statistics of the Testausserveri.fi Discord server.

You can pass a GET param v with a comma-seperated list of object keys you want in response. Omitting v will respond all the existing keys.

Example response:

HTTP/2 200 OK
Date: Fri, 18 Feb 2022 06:58:52 GMT
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: 39
X-Powered-By: Express
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *

{"memberCount":1223,"membersOnline":1130,"messagesToday":32, "premium": { "subscriptions": 12, "tier": 2}}

Values N/A when unavailable

GET /v1/discord/roleInfo

Get general information about a specific role. Role is specified with the query parameter id as the role id. This API publishes only otherwise public information.

Example response:

HTTP/2 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
X-Powered-By: Express
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *


Value definitions

  • "name", The role name
  • "id", The role id
  • "color", The role color as a hex color value
  • "members", Array of memberObjects (see below)
  • "count", The number of members that have the requested role
  • "timestamp", Unix timestamp of the time of response generation
  • "cache", A cacheState (see below)
GET /v1/discord/memberInfo

Get activity & general user information for a specific role. The role is specified with the query parameter id as the role id. This API publishes possibly private information and requires the users to opt-in for their data to be published.

The response format is identical with /v1/discord/roleInfo

GET /v1/discord/connections/authorize

Redirects the user to the Discord OAuth 2.0 authorization page to grant the API access to account information.

GET /v1/discord/connections/authorized

Handle the OAuth 2.0 callback from Discord and update cached account information.


GET /v1/github/authorize

Redirects the user to Github OAuth 2.0 authorization page to grant the API access to account information.

GET /v1/github/authorized

Handle the OAuth 2.0 callback from Github and add the user to the Testausserveri ry organization.



    "name": Member account name,
    "displayName": Current user display name,
    "discriminator": Discord discriminator (#xxxx),
    "id": Member id,
    "presence": [
            "type": Discord activity type (such as PLAYING),
            "id": Activity application id,
            "emoji": [
                    "animated": Boolean,
                    "name": The emoji name,
                    "url": The asset url
                }, ...
            "name": Activity name,
            "details": Activity details,
            "state": Activity state,
            "assets": {
                "largeImage": Large asset url,
                "largeImageText": Large asset description,
                "smallImage": Small asset url,
                "smallImageText": Small asset description
        }, ...
    "avatar": Member avatar url,
    "banner": Member banner url,
    "color": Member profile hex color,
    "flags": Member Discord flags,
    "connectedAccounts": [
            "type": Account type,
            "name": Account name,
            "id": Account id,
            "visible": Boolean
    "bio": Member bio

Arrays presence, emoji & connectedAccounts can be empty.

Presence assets can be an empty object.

All values can be expected to be strings or numbers (if possible, excluding ids)


A string value that can be any of these values:

  • "valid", The cache is up to date.
  • "expired", The cache has expired and contains expired data.
  • "expired-updating", The cache has expired, but will update shortly.