
Ember addon for the site tour library Shepherd

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This is an Ember wrapper for the Shepherd, site tour, library. It provides additional functionality, on top of Shepherd, as well.


Guide your users through a tour of your app http://shipshapecode.github.io/ember-shepherd/

Getting started

To start, if you are using Ember CLI, simply run:

ember install ember-shepherd

If you are not using Ember CLI, we recommend using ember-giftwrap to install your Ember addons.


Interaction with ember-shepherd is done entirely through the Tour service, which you can access from any object using the Ember.inject syntax:

export default Ember.Component.extend({

  tour: Ember.inject.service()

  // OR

  tourService: Ember.inject.service('tour')

From here, you can set the desired configuration, as detailed below.


The following configuration options can be set on the Tour service to control the way that Shepherd is used. The only required option is steps, which you can read more about below.


autoStart is a boolean flag you can set to true or false to go ahead and automatically start the tour after you have added steps to the tour.

default value: false


defaults is used to set the options that will be applied to each step by default. You can pass in any of the options that you can with Shepherd.

You must set defaults BEFORE setting steps

It will be an object of a form something like:

this.get('tour').set('defaults', {
  classes: 'shepherd-element shepherd-open shepherd-theme-arrows',
  scrollTo: false,
  showCancelLink: true

default value: {}


disableScroll is a boolean, that when set to true, will keep the user from scrolling with the scrollbar, mousewheel, arrow keys, etc. You may want to use this to ensure you are driving the scroll position with the tour. Thanks to jquery-disablescroll for this functionality.

default value: false


modal is a boolean, that should be set to true, if you would like the rest of the screen, other than the current element, greyed out, and the current element highlighted. If you do not need modal functionality, you can remove this option or set it to false.

default value: false


requiredElements is an array of objects that indicate DOM elements that are REQUIRED by your tour and must exist and be visible for the tour to start. If any elements are not present, it will keep the tour from starting.

You can also specify a message, which will tell the user what they need to do to make the tour work.


this.get('tour').set('requiredElements', [
    selector: '.search-result-element',
    message: 'No search results found. Please execute another search, and try to start the tour again.',
    title: 'No results'
    selector: '.username-element',
    message: 'User not logged in, please log in to start this tour.',
    title: 'Please login'

default value: []


You will need to define a steps object to set on the tour service of the following form:

this.get('tour').set('steps', [
    id: 'intro',
    options: {
      attachTo: '.first-element bottom',
      beforeShowPromise: function() {
        return new Promise(function(resolve) {
          Ember.run.scheduleOnce('afterRender', this, function() {
            window.scrollTo(0, 0);
            this.get('documents.firstObject').set('isSelected', true);
      builtInButtons: [
          classes: 'shepherd-button-secondary',
          text: 'Exit',
          type: 'cancel'
          classes: 'shepherd-button-primary',
          text: 'Back',
          type: 'back'
          classes: 'shepherd-button-primary',
          text: 'Next',
          type: 'next'
      classes: 'shepherd shepherd-open shepherd-theme-arrows shepherd-transparent-text',
      copyStyles: false,
      highlightClass: 'highlight',
      scrollTo: false,
      showCancelLink: true,
      title: 'Welcome to Ember-Shepherd!',
      text: ['Ember-Shepherd is a javascript library for guiding users through your Ember app.']
      when: {
        show: () => {
          console.log('show step');
        hide: () => {
          console.log('hide step')

A lot of the options are the same as Shepherd options, but I will go through each of them for reference.


The name to give this step of the tour


An object with all of the options for the step


The selector and position for the tour popup to attach to, of the format 'selector position'. Position options are: top, bottom, left, and right. Can also be an object formatted like

  element: '.myElement',
  on: 'top'

Where .myElement is any valid jQuery selector.


A function that returns a promise. When the promise resolves, the rest of the show code for the step will execute. This is a good place to schedule things in the Ember.run loop that you need to ensure happen before show.


These are the standard button types supported by Shepherd. Just set type to next, back or cancel, then set the text, and classes as normal.


Extra classes to apply to the step, for styling purposes and such.


This is a boolean, and when set to true it will fully clone the element and styles, rather than just increasing the element's z-index. This should only be used if the element does not pop out and highlight like it should, when using modal functionality.


This is an extra class to apply to the attachTo element, when it is highlighted. It can be any string. Just style that class name in your css.


This sets whether the screen should be scrolled to get to the element or not, when the step is active.


When true, an x will appear in the top right of the popup, for canceling the tour.


The step's title. It becomes an h3 at the top of the step.


Extra options to pass to tether


A string of text content to display in the tour popup


An object that contains function to be executed when events occur on the step. Supported events are before-show, show, before-hide, hide, complete, cancel, and destroy.

Interacting with ember-shepherd

ember-shepherd uses the Ember.Evented mixin to manage events. The API is demonstrated below.

// Start the tour

// Stop the tour

// Go to the next step

// Go to the previous step


Q: Woah, events? How does that work with buttons?

A: Don't worry, it's not too bad! You can just set up an action to start (or cancel, or advance, etc.) the tour like so:

// app/routes/application.js

export default Ember.Route.extend({

  tour: Ember.inject.service(),

  actions: {
    startTour: function() {


Please feel free to post any issues you encounter or feature requests on the issues in this repo. Pull requests welcome as well!