gRPC example

This is a gRPC example application, composed of three modules:

  • contract - protocol buffers definition
  • server - implementation of service
  • client - invocation of service


Create a python virtual environment and install de grpc packages

 # virtualenv is only used in Python2, pyvenv is deprecated
 # you may need to replace python with python3 on your machine

 # create a virtual environment
 # windows
 > python -m venv .venv
 > .venv\Scripts\activate

 # linux
 $ python -m venv .venv
 $ source .venv/bin/activate

 # install the packages
 python -m pip install grpcio
 python -m pip install grpcio-tools

See the README for each module.
Start at contract, then go to server, and finally go to the client.

SD Faculty