
Interactive analytic system

Primary LanguageScala

Cloudberry Matrix

Cloudberry is now using the Play! Framework and Angular JS

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Prerequisites: scala, sbt, AsterixDB

Prepare the AsterixDB cluster

Option 1: Follow the official documentation to setup a fully functional cluster.

Option 2: Use the prebuilt AsterixDB docker image to run a small test cluster locally. This approach serves the debug purpose.

Assume you've already had docker(>1.10) installed on your local machine, you can simply run the following command to create a two nc AsterixDB cluster locally.

./script/dockerRunAsterixDB.sh && sleep 2s && ./script/ingestTwitterToLocalCluster.sh

To compile projects

 sbt compile

Run front-end demo

You will need to give the AsterixDB cluster link to neo by change the asterixdb.url configuration in neo/conf/application.conf file. The default value points to the localhost docker cluster

 sbt "project neo" "run"