Promscale Extension

This Postgres extension contains support functions to improve the performance of Promscale. While Promscale will run without it, adding this extension will cause it to perform better.


To run the extension:

  • PostgreSQL version 12 or newer.

To compile the extension (see instructions below):

  • Rust compiler
  • PGX framework


The extension is installed by default on the timescaledev/promscale-extension:latest-pg12 docker image.

For bare-metal installations, the full instructions for setting up PostgreSQL, TimescaleDB, and the Promscale Extension are:

  1. Add the PostgreSQL APT repository (Ubuntu)
echo "deb $(lsb_release -c -s)-pgdg main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pgdg.list
wget --quiet -O - | sudo apt-key add -
sudo apt-get update
  1. Install PostgreSQL 13 and TimescaleDB
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:timescale/timescaledb-ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install timescaledb-2-postgresql-13
  1. Tune the PostgreSQL installation
sudo timescaledb-tune --quiet --yes
sudo service postgresql restart
  1. Install dependencies for the PGX framework and promscale_extension
sudo apt-get install build-essential clang libssl-dev pkg-config libreadline-dev zlib1g-dev postgresql-server-dev-13
  1. Install rust.
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh
source $HOME/.cargo/env
  1. Install our fork of the PGX framework
cargo install --git --branch timescale cargo-pgx
  1. Initialize the PGX framework using the PostgreSQL 13 installation
cargo pgx init --pg13=/usr/lib/postgresql/13/bin/pg_config
  1. Download this repo and change directory into it
curl -L -o "" ""
sudo apt-get install unzip
cd promscale_extension-0.2.0
  1. Compile and install
sudo make install
  1. Create a PostgreSQL user and database for promscale (use an appropriate password!)
sudo -u postgres psql -c "CREATE USER promscale SUPERUSER PASSWORD 'promscale';"
sudo -u postgres psql -c "CREATE DATABASE promscale OWNER promscale;"
  1. Download and run promscale (it will install the extension in the PostgreSQL database)
LATEST_VERSION=$(curl -s | grep "tag_name" | cut -d'"' -f4)
curl -L -o promscale "${LATEST_VERSION}/promscale_${LATEST_VERSION}_Linux_x86_64"
chmod +x promscale
./promscale --db-name promscale --db-password promscale --db-user promscale --db-ssl-mode allow --install-extensions

This extension will be created via CREATE EXTENSION automatically by the Promscale connector and should not be created manually.

Common Compilation Issues

  • cargo: No such file or directory means the Rust compiler is not installed