
couchdb with a simple (dict-like or list-like) interface

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


couchdb with a simple (dict-like or list-like) interface

To install: pip install couchdol

A basic couchDB persister. Note that the couchDB persister is designed not to overwrite the value of a key if the key already exists. You can subclass it and use update_one instead of insert_one if you want to be able to overwrite data.

>>> from couchdol import CouchDbPersister
>>> s = CouchDbPersister()
>>> for _id in s:  # deleting all docs in tmp
...     del s[_id]
>>> k = {'_id': 'foo'}
>>> v = {'val': 'bar'}
>>> k in s  # see that key is not in store (and testing __contains__)
>>> len(s)
>>> s[k] = v
>>> len(s)
>>> list(s)
[{'_id': 'foo'}]
>>> s[k]
{'val': 'bar'}
>>> s.get(k)
{'val': 'bar'}
>>> s.get({'not': 'a key'}, {'default': 'val'})  # testing s.get with default
{'default': 'val'}
>>> list(s.values())
[{'val': 'bar'}]
>>> k in s  # testing __contains__ again
>>> del s[k]
>>> len(s)
>>> s = CouchDbPersister(db_name='py2store', key_fields=('name',), data_fields=('yob', 'proj', 'bdfl'))
>>> for _id in s:  # deleting all docs in tmp
...     del s[_id]
>>> s[{'name': 'guido'}] = {'yob': 1956, 'proj': 'python', 'bdfl': False}
>>> s[{'name': 'vitalik'}] = {'yob': 1994, 'proj': 'ethereum', 'bdfl': True}
>>> for key, val in s.items():
...     print(f"{key}: {val}")
{'name': 'guido'}: {'yob': 1956, 'proj': 'python', 'bdfl': False}
{'name': 'vitalik'}: {'yob': 1994, 'proj': 'ethereum', 'bdfl': True}

CouchDbStore using tuple keys.

>>> from couchdol import CouchDbTupleKeyStore
>>> s = CouchDbTupleKeyStore(key_fields=('_id', 'user'))
>>> k = (1234, 'user')
>>> v = {'name': 'bob', 'age': 42}
>>> if k in s:  # deleting all docs in tmp
...     del s[k]
>>> assert (k in s) == False  # see that key is not in store (and testing __contains__)
>>> orig_length = len(s)
>>> s[k] = v
>>> assert len(s) == orig_length + 1
>>> assert k in list(s)
>>> assert s[k] == v
>>> assert s.get(k) == v
>>> assert v in list(s.values())
>>> assert (k in s) == True # testing __contains__ again
>>> del s[k]
>>> assert len(s) == orig_length