easy-wg-quick - Creates Wireguard configuration for hub and peers with ease
- Getting Started
- Usage
- Fine tuning
- Disabling external interface autodetection
- Disabling external IP address autodetection
- Disabling random port assignment
- Disabling randomly generated internal network addresses
- Setting interface's maximum transmission unit (MTU) size
- Setting custom DNS
- Setting custom client's
- Choosing firewall type
- Choosing if PostUp/PostDown should enable/disable IP forwarding
- Enabling IPv6
- Enabling NDP proxy (instead of default IPv6 masquerading)
- Redirecting DNS
- Persisting configuration with systemd
- License
- Acknowledgments
Getting Started
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine. This machine (called hub) will act as VPN concentrator. All other peers connects to hub (as in a "road warrior" configuration).
Install Wireguard for your operating system on local machine, router, VPS or container. This will be your hub.
As dependences /bin/sh
, wg
, wg-quick
, awk
, grep
and ip
should be available on hub. If ip
is not available user is required to set
variables in script to external network interface
name and IP address (or edit wghub.conf
). Optionally qrencode
can be used
to generate QR codes for mobile applications.
Debian, Ubuntu
sudo apt install wireguard-tools mawk grep iproute2 qrencode
Fedora, RHEL, CentOS
sudo dnf install wireguard-tools gawk grep iproute qrencode
sudo pkg install net/wireguard graphics/libqrencode
Installing Wireguard tools (and modules)
This script requires only tools installed, but to use Wireguard module (or user-space implementation) is also required. Detailed install guide for various operating systems is available at wireguard.com/install.
Peers also requires Wireguard installed. Android and iOS are supported. OpenWRT clients are supported with UCI configuration fragments.
Just download the script and make it executable with chmod
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/burghardt/easy-wg-quick/master/easy-wg-quick
chmod +x easy-wg-quick
Note that you can use a short URL as well.
wget https://git.io/fjb5R -O easy-wg-quick
chmod +x easy-wg-quick
Or clone repository.
git clone https://github.com/burghardt/easy-wg-quick.git
Script do not require any arguments. Just run it and it will create usable Wireguard configuration for hub and one peer. Any sequential invocation creates another peer configuration within same hub.
./easy-wg-quick # 1st run creates hub configuration and one client
./easy-wg-quick # any other runs creates additional clients
Passing an argument to script creates configuration file with name instead of
sequence number to help remembering which config was for which device.
Following command will create wgclient_client_name.conf
./easy-wg-quick client_name
Sample output
No seqno.txt... creating one!
No wgpsk.key... creating one!
No wghub.key... creating one!
No wghub.conf... creating one!
Wireguard hub address is on wlp9s0.
Note: customize [Interface] section of wghub.conf if required!
Note: passing argument to script creates client configuration with supplied
name to help remembering which config was for which device. If you
didn't pass any argument you can still rename created file manually
with command:
mv -vi wgclient_10.conf wgclient_name.conf
No wgclient_10.conf... creating one!
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Scan QR code with your phone or use "wgclient_10.conf" file.
Updating wghub.conf... done!
Important: Deploy updated wghub.conf configuration to wireguard with wg-quick:
sudo wg-quick down ./wghub.conf # if already configured
sudo wg-quick up ./wghub.conf
sudo wg show # to check status
Using generated configuration
On hub configure Wireguard.
sudo wg-quick up ./wghub.conf
On peer scan QR code or copy wgclient_10.conf
. To display QR code again use
qrencode -t ansiutf8 < wgclient_10.conf
Or use saved QR code
cat wgclient_10.qrcode.txt
To connect the whole network with a single Wireguard client running on an
OpenWRT router, append generated UCI client configuration fragment to
your router /etc/config/network
cat wgclient_10.uci.txt
Finally on hub check if everything works with sudo wg show
interface: wghub
public key: kbaG3HxSDz3xhqiTNXlo1fZkFa+V6oTl+w0cSAQKxwQ=
private key: (hidden)
listening port: 51820
peer: th8qYu0R0mgio2wPu1kz6/5OOgi6l8iy7OobK590LHw=
preshared key: (hidden)
allowed ips:
latest handshake: 50 minutes, 22 seconds ago
transfer: 32.64 MiB received, 95.24 MiB sent
Fine tuning
Disabling external interface autodetection
By default easy-wg-quick
use interface with default routing done over it as
external network interface of VPN hub. If autodetection fails or generation of
configuration is done outside the hub (i.e. on air gapped laptop) user can
set interface name in extnetif.txt
file with command:
echo vtnet0 > extnetif.txt
Disabling external IP address autodetection
By default easy-wg-quick
uses IP address of interface that has default
routing done over it as external IP address of VPN hub. This might not be true
if hub is behind firewall or NAT/PAT/masquarading is done. User can set
prefered IP address in extnetip.txt
file with command:
echo > extnetip.txt
In case of NAT/PAT/masquarading one can try to use service like ifconfig.co for autodetection:
curl ifconfig.co/ip > extnetip.txt
Disabling random port assignment
By default easy-wg-quick
use random port number from range 1025-65535. When
using static port number is required for firewall configuration or other
reasons user can set preferred port number (80 in this example) in portno.txt
file with command:
echo 80 > portno.txt
Disabling randomly generated internal network addresses
By default easy-wg-quick
use randomly generated internal network addresses
for both IPv4 and IPv6. Custom network addresses can be set with the following
echo "10.1.1." > intnetaddress.txt # for IPv4
echo "fd90:d175:8e43:705d::" > intnet6address.txt # for IPv6
Default masks are /24 for IPv4 and /64 for IPv6.
Setting network masks
To change default masks set new masks in files named intnetmask.txt
and intnet6mask.txt
echo 172.16.0. > intnetaddress.txt
echo /16 > intnetmask.txt
echo fd9d:9648:0841:0c6e:3d28:94d9:: > intnet6address.txt
echo /112 > intnet6mask.txt
Setting interface's maximum transmission unit (MTU) size
To change the default interface's maximum transmission unit (MTU) size of 1280
bytes, write a new value into the file named intnetmtu.txt
. Wireguard MTU
should be between 1280 and 1420 bytes.
echo 1380 > intnetmtu.txt
Setting custom DNS
Setting IPv4 resolver address
By default easy-wg-quick
uses as it's internal DNS. You can use the
command below to serve a custom IPv4 DNS to clients.
echo > intnetdns.txt
Setting IPv6 resolver address
By default easy-wg-quick
uses 2606:4700:4700::1111 as it's internal DNS. You
can use the command below to serve a custom IPv6 DNS to clients.
echo 2001:4860:4860::8888 > intnet6dns.txt
Setting custom client's By default, the client's AllowedIPs
variable is set to, ::/0
directing the whole client's traffic through the VPN connection. If you want
to create a VPN split tunneling configuration, store required IP addresses
ranges in the intnetallowedips.txt
echo ',' > intnetallowedips.txt
Choosing firewall type
Firewall type is guessed from operating system. For Linux iptables
are used. For FreeBSD basic pf
NAT rules are implemented.
File fwtype.txt
contains name of firewall type. To override autodetection
or disable any rules run one of the following commands:
echo iptables > fwtype.txt # to choose Linux netfilter
echo firewalld > fwtype.txt # to choose [firewalld]
echo pf > fwtype.txt # to choose OpenBSD PF
echo custom > fwtype.txt # to include predefined commands from file
echo none > fwtype.txt # to skip any setup during wg-quick up/down
If fwtype.txt
contains word custom
content of commands.txt
is included
in the wghub.conf
Format of commands.txt
PostUp = echo "command 1"
PostUp = echo "command 2"
PostUp = ...
PostDown = echo "command 1"
PostDown = secho "command 2"
PostDown = ...
Choosing if PostUp/PostDown should enable/disable IP forwarding
Sysctl command syntax is guessed from operating system. Linux and FreeBSD
are supported. As enabling IP forwarding is required for hub to forward VPN
traffic to the Internet it is managed by PostUp/PostDown settings by default.
Some application (i.e. Docker) might require that IP forwarding is never
disabled. In that case setting none
in sysctltype.txt
and managing IP
forwarding settings elsewhere might be required.
File sysctltype.txt
contains name of sysctl type. To override autodetection
or disable any commands from being run use one of the following commands:
echo linux > sysctltype.txt # to choose Linux sysctl command
echo freebsd > sysctltype.txt # to choose FreeBSD sysctl command
echo none > sysctltype.txt # to skip any setup during wg-quick up/down
Enabling IPv6
If a global unicast IPv6 address is detected on server tunnels will be created with inner IPv6 addresses allocated. This allows hub's clients to connect over hub's IPv6 NAT to IPv6 network.
If a global unicast IPv6 address is not detected, the existence of a file
named forceipv6.txt
can forcibly enable IPv6 support.
touch forceipv6.txt
To use outer IPv6 addresses (i.e. connect client to hub over IPv6) just set
variables in script to external network interface
name and IPv6 address (or edit wghub.conf
Enabling NDP proxy (instead of default IPv6 masquerading)
By default easy-wg-quick
uses IPv6 masquerading to provide IPv6 connectivity
to peers. This is easier to setup and require only single IPv6 global unicast
address to work. On the other hand network address translation (NAT) has
issues and limitations.
Neighbor Discovery Proxies (ND Proxy, NDP Proxy) allows end-to-end connectivity, but requires /64 network to be assigned to hub. From this /64 network, a subnetwork has to be divided (i.e. /112) and assigned to Wireguard interface.
To enable proxied NDP create file named ipv6mode.txt
with proxy_ndp
echo proxy_ndp > ipv6mode.txt
When hub has 2001:19f0:6c01:1c0d/64 assigned, part of it can be assigned to Wireguard interface (i.e. 2001:19f0:6c01:1c0d:40/112).
echo 2001:19f0:6c01:1c0d:40:: > intnet6address.txt
echo /112 > intnet6mask.txt
Please note that NDP proxy mode in easy-wg-quick
is supported only on Linux.
Redirecting DNS
DNS redirection might be required to integrate with services like Pi-hole or
Cloudflare DNS over TLS. This could be achieved by using port 53 UDP/TCP
redirection in wghub.conf
PostUp = iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i %i -p udp -m udp --dport 53 -j DNAT --to-destination
PostUp = iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i %i -p tcp -m tcp --dport 53 -j DNAT --to-destination
PostDown = iptables -t nat -D PREROUTING -i %i -p udp -m udp --dport 53 -j DNAT --to-destination
PostDown = iptables -t nat -D PREROUTING -i %i -p tcp -m tcp --dport 53 -j DNAT --to-destination
When using IPv6 similar rules should be set independently with ip6tables
PostUp = ip6tables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i %i -p udp -m udp --dport 53 -j DNAT --to-destination 2606:4700:4700::1111:53
PostUp = ip6tables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i %i -p tcp -m tcp --dport 53 -j DNAT --to-destination 2606:4700:4700::1111:53
PostDown = ip6tables -t nat -D PREROUTING -i %i -p udp -m udp --dport 53 -j DNAT --to-destination 2606:4700:4700::1111:53
PostDown = ip6tables -t nat -D PREROUTING -i %i -p tcp -m tcp --dport 53 -j DNAT --to-destination 2606:4700:4700::1111:53
Persisting configuration with systemd
Systemd may load configuration for both hub and clients using
. Note that also native support for setting up Wireguard
interfaces exists (since version 237).
sudo cp wghub.conf /etc/wireguard/wghub.conf
sudo systemctl enable wg-quick@wghub
sudo systemctl start wg-quick@wghub
systemctl status wg-quick@wghub
This project is licensed under the GPLv2 License - see the LICENSE file for details.
OpenVPN's easy-rsa was an inspiration for writing this script.