
Simple express web seach engine backed by SQLite FTS5

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Express SQLite Search

CAUTION: Under active development, not suitable for production use for people outside the development team yet.


You configure the container by setting environment variables:

  • SEARCH_AUTHORIZATION - A token which will be checked in the Authorization header for POST requests to /index
  • SEARCH_TITLE - The title of the search page, defaults to Search
  • DB_DIR - The directory containing the markdown files
  • MUSTACHE_DIRS - A : separated list of paths the system should look for mustache templates before using its default ones.
  • DISABLE_AUTH - Defaults to false but can be true to make file uploading and downloading work without requiring sign in. Only recommended for development.
  • DISABLED_AUTH_USER - If DISABLE_AUTH is set to true, set this to be the JSON-encoded representation of the auth user you want the server to assume is signed in. e.g. '{"admin": true, "username": "disableduser"}'. Only recommended for development.
  • SCRIPT_NAME - The base URL at which the app is hosted. Defaults to "" and must not end with /. Usually this is set to something like /upload
  • DEBUG - The loggers you want to see log output for. e.g. express-sqlite-search,express-mustache-jwt-signin.
  • PORT - The port you would like the app to run on. Defaults to 80.
  • SECRET - The secret string used to sign cookies. Make sure this is a long secret that no-one else knows, otherwise they could forge the user information in your cookies. Make sure you set the SECRET variable to the same value in the signin container too, otherwise they won't recognose each other's cookies.

Docker Example

Make sure you have installed Docker and Docker Compose for your platform, and that you can customise your networking so that www.example.localhost can point to

Also, make sure you have the source code:

git clone https://github.com/thejimmyg/express-sqlite-search.git
cd express-sqlite-search

Tip: You can also use the published docker image at https://cloud.docker.com/u/thejimmyg/repository/docker/thejimmyg/express-sqlite-search if you change the docker-compose.yml file to use image: thejimmyg/express-sqlite-search:0.1.0 instead of building from source

OK, let's begin.

For local testing, let's imagine you want to use the domain www.example.localhost.

You can create certificates as described here:

You'll need to put them in the directory domain/www.example.localhost/sni in this example. Here's some code that does this:

mkdir -p domain/www.example.localhost/sni
openssl req -x509 -out domain/www.example.localhost/sni/cert.pem -keyout domain/www.example.localhost/sni/key.pem \
  -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -sha256 \
  -subj '/CN=www.example.localhost' -extensions EXT -config <( \
   printf "[dn]\nCN=www.example.localhost\n[req]\ndistinguished_name = dn\n[EXT]\nsubjectAltName=DNS:www.example.localhost\nkeyUsage=digitalSignature\nextendedKeyUsage=serverAuth")

Now edit your /etc/hosts so that your domain really points to for local testing. You should have a line that looks like this:	localhost www.example.localhost example.localhost

There is already a user file in users/users.yaml which the signin container can use. Edit it to change the usernames and passwords as you see fit.

Tip: You can use a hased password too for the password field. Just visit /user/hash once the example is running to generarte the hash and then update the file.

Make a directory where you can put your markdown and static files:

mkdir -p markdown

Create a file named hello.md inside the markdown directory for the server to find.

Make sure you change the SECRET variable everywhere, otherwise someone could forge your cookies and gain access to your system. You must use the same value for SECRET in each of the containers otherwise they won't recognose each other's cookies.

You can now run the containers with:

npm run docker:run:local

Visit https://www.example.localhost/. You'll probably need to get your browser to accept the certficate since it is a self-signed one, then you'll be asked to sign in using the credentials in users/users.yml.

As long as the user you sign in with has the admin: true claim in the users/users.yaml file, you should be able to view .draft.md files too at .draft, or view the .md files directly.

You can also check the PUBLIC_FILES_DIRS overlay at https://www.example.localhost/user/public/hello.txt

When you are finished you can stop the containers with the command below, otherwise Docker will automatically restart them each time you reboot (which is what you want in production, but perhaps not when you are developing):

npm run docker:stop:local


npm install
PORT=8000 DEBUG=express-mustache-jwt-signin,express-mustache-overlays,express-sqlite-search SECRET=reallysecret DISABLE_AUTH=true DISABLED_AUTH_USER='{"admin": true, "username": "disableduser"}' DB_DIR=db MUSTACHE_DIRS=./views-search SEARCH_AUTHORIZATION=123 npm start

Visit http://localhost:8000.

You should be able to make requests to routes restricted with signedIn middleware as long as you have the cookie, or use the JWT in an `Authorization header like this:

Authorization: Bearer <JWT goes here>

A good way of organising this is to use gateway-lite as your gateway proxying both to express-mustache-jwt-signin and this module. Then you can use express-mustache-jwt-signin to set the cookie that this project can read as long as the SECRET environmrnt variables are the same.

If you just enable SECRET but don't set up the proxy, you'll just get redirected to the SIGN_IN_URL (set to /user/signin in the example) and see a 404 page.


npm run fix

Use the API to index some documents using the same value in the Authorizaton header as is set in the SEARCH_AUTHORIZATION environment variable.

curl -H 'Authorization: 123' --request POST --header "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{"id":"/xyz","action":"put","pub":true,"html":"<title>Title</title><body><article>item one</article></body>"}' http://localhost:8000/index
curl --request POST --data 'search=item' http://localhost:8000/
curl -H 'Authorization: 123'  --request POST --header "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{"id":"/xyz","action":"remove"}' http://localhost:8000/index
curl --request POST --data 'search=item' http://localhost:8000/


0.1.4 2019-01-11

  • Renamed API_TOKEN to SEARCH_AUTHORIZATION so that it is easier to share config when using docker compose

0.1.3 2019-01-02

  • Handling SIGTERM
  • Tweaked DISABLED_AUTH_USER description in README.md

0.1.2 2018-12-29

  • Differentiate between public and private pages

0.1.1 2018-12-29

  • Only index <article> and <aside> tags for the body

0.1.0 2018-12-28

  • Initial release