
Name : Jishnu S Nair

Roll No : 28

Class : CS4B


  1. Shell Commands

  2. Git Repository Set Up

  3. Write a shell script to implement a menu driven calculator with following functions

  • Addition
  • Subtraction
  • Multiplication
  • Division
  • Modulus
  1. Write shell script to show various system configurations like

    • Your OS and version, release number, kernel version
    • All available shells
    • Computer CPU information like processor type, speed etc
    • Memory information
    • Hard disk informations like size of hdd, cache memory, speed etc
    • File System(Mounted)
  2. Advanced linux commands curl, wget, ftp, ssh and grep

  3. Linux commands for operations such as redirections, pipes, filterd, job control, changing ownershipt/permissions of files/links/directory

  4. Shell programming:Write shell script to show various system configurations like - Currently logged user and his loging name - Current shell - Your home directory - Your OS type - Your current path setting - Your current workign directory - Number of users currently logged in

  5. Write a script called addnames that is to be called as follows bash ulist username

  • Here ulist is the name of the file that contains list of user names and username is aparticular student's username. The script should
  • Check that the correct number of arguments was received and print a message, in case the number of arguments is incorrect
  • Check whether the ulist file exists and print an error message if it doest not
  • Check whether the username already exists in the file. If the username exists, print a message stating that the name already exists. Otherwise, add teh username to the end of the list.
  1. Shell script which starts on system boot up and kills every process which uses more than a specified amount of memory or CPU.

  2. CGPA Calculator

  3. PHP

  4. Kernel

  5. Perl

  6. Packet management

  7. Set up the complete network interface by configuring services such as gateay, DNS, IP tables etc. using ifconfig