
Server software that aggregates static transit data from SF Muni, AC Transit, and BART and puts them in a common format for use by the Transporter iPhone app.

Primary LanguagePHP


This code stores static transit data (bus stop locations, transit routes, vehicle types, etc.) gathered from NextBus (for AC Transit and SF Muni) and BART, and stores it in a common format for use by the Transporter iPhone app. It does NOT store arrivals information (e.g. the N-Judah will arrive at Embarcadero Station in 4 minutes). A cron job runs daily to check whether there have been transit system changes, and sends a notification if there have been. When this happens, the iPhone app needs to be updated manually and resubmitted to the App Store. Eventually, we'd like to automate app updates and do them over the air.

There are also 3 override files used to clean up the data for use in the Transporter iPhone app. These files are used every time a new version of the static transit data is created

  1. Directions.xml Each route (e.g. N-Judah) has multiple directions (e.g. inbound, outbount). In fact most routes have more than two directions since they run differently at different times of day. In most cases the NextBus API indicates which two directions should be shown to the user, when selected the direction they want to go, in the routeConfig file with the flag "useForUI". But some routes have more than 2 directions with useForUI=TRUE. Directions.xml indicates which two directions to use, when there are more than 2 to choose from.

  2. ReverseStops.xml A reverse stop is the stop for a particular route that is across the street (or platform) from the one you're standing at. So, the reverse stop of the N-Judah/Inbound at Embarcadero is the N-Judah/Outbound at Embarcadero. This is good to know because it makes it easy for a user to quickly switch directions if they navigated to the stop/route they wanted, but chose the wrong direction.

NextBus doesn't give us this information so we have to deduce it ourselves algorithmically. This isn't that hard to do using the names/directions/routes of stops, but there are ambiguous cases where the algorithm fails. This hand-written file addresses these failures.

NOTE: I haven't looked at this file in a long time and I'm not convinced it is completely accurate.

  1. SFMuniVehicle.xml This file is a copy of the routeList file for SF Muni vehicle except that it has one extra attribute for each route: vehicle. This attribute can take one of four values (streetcar, metro, bus, cablecar). NextBus does not give us this information, so we need to create it ourselves. It is used in the Lines screen of the iPhone app for SF Muni, so that we can separate the different transit vehicles on that screen.

This code was written by Thejo Kote, a classmate of Ljuba's (the iPhone app's creator) at the UC Berkeley iSchool.

Documentation for the APIs:

Kronos server installation instructions:

The Kronos server is a PHP application with a PostgreSQL backend. This document contains deployment instructions. I make the assumption that it will be deployed and run on a Linux variant of some kind.


  • PostgreSQL server - 8.3 or above
  • Apache with mod_php5 - Test that PHP scripts can be executed by creating a script with the following code and loading it in a browser:
//Refer to http://php.net/phpinfo for details

The page should provide details about the PHP installation, installed extensions etc. Knowing that should help in determining whether the next step is necessary.

PHP extension dependencies

  • gd (for image manipulation - should be available as part of the package management system of the server.)
  • zip (to create and manipulate zip files - should be available as part of the package management system of the server.)
  • PDO (and the pgsql driver) - The PDO extension is usually available as part of the package management system. The driver has to be installed separately.
  • APC (not mandatory, but recommended for improved performance)

The last two can be installed using pecl:

pecl install pdo_pgsql
pecl install apc

To run the pecl command the php5-devel and php5-pear packages need to be installed. To install pdo_pgsql the postgresql-devel package is required. To install apc the apache2-devel package is required.

Database setup

  • Create a database named "kronos" without the quotes.
  • Create a user who has permissions to read from and write to the database.
  • Install the tables and default data: pgsql -d kronos -f KRONOS_ROOT/dbschema/schema.sql


  • Check out the Kronos server code on github
    • Ideally, don't check it out into the Apache document root.
    • Let's assume the directory in which the contents of the repo are is KRONOS_ROOT
  • Edit KRONOS_ROOT/config/config.php
    • Change the database connection and other config values based on the environment you're deploying in
  • The KRONOS_ROOT/www directory is the document root of the application. Only this directory should be exposed to the outside world through Apache. In a development environment, you can just load the admin interface as, for example, (assuming you checked out the code into a directory named "kronos" in the Apache document root). In production you'll have to setup a virtual host for the domain or sub-domain under which the Kronos server will run and set KRONOS_ROOT/www/ as the document root of the virtual host.

Updating the data from NextBus and BART APIs

The script KRONOS_ROOT/www/update.php is where this happens. Reading the code and following the included files should help you understand how the process works. During development adding a new version is as simple as loading in the browser. Since the entire update process takes about 5 minutes, it will appear as though the browser has hung. This is normal. You'll see an output of 1 on the page (or more, if you've added any debug print statements in the code) after the script completes execution.

On the server, the same script needs to be executed once a day. It is done through a cron job like so:

0 19 * * * curl http://example.com/update.php >> /dev/null 2>&1

The KRONOS_ROOT/www/update.php script communicates with NextBus and BART, updates the database with a new version and creates the XML files. It does not generate the images. That happens in KRONOS_ROOT/www/map_images.php Images are generated only when requested from the admin interface via an Ajax call.


  • The application logs to KRONOS_ROOT/logs/kronos.log - This can be changed in configuration file.
  • To understand how the daily update works start from KRONOS_ROOT/www/update.php
  • To understand how the admin interface works start from KRONOS_ROOT/www/index.php The admin interface is very simple. It's just a bunch of PHP scripts reading and writing to the database.
  • The override files reside in KRONOS_ROOT/files/ - The admin interface writes to them directly when they are edited in the admin UI. So, Apache should have permission to write to them.