
Simple antivirus for Linux

Primary LanguageC++


A simple antivirus for Linux systems. Malware detection is based on comparison of MD5 file hashes.


Usage: avir [action] [options]
 Scan actions
   -sf <path>    scan a single file
   -sl <path>    scan a directory linearly
   -sr <path>    scan a directory recursively
 Other actions
   --show        show last scan report
   --stop        stop all ongoing scans
 Scan options
   -h <path>     specify an additional hash list file
   -r <path>     specify an additional output/report file
   -o, --online  check hashes online instead of locally
   -u, --unread  list unreadable files in report


Run ./installer.sh.

More info

  • You need sudo permissions to run Avir.
  • Avir's base directory is /avir.
  • The default file containing malware hashes is located at /avir/hashlist.txt.
  • You can also specify hash list files at other locations.
  • Those files should contain one MD5 hash per line.
  • All scan reports are saved to /avir/reports with the signature avir_{timestamp}.txt.
  • You can also specify additional locations at which to save the report file.
  • The --online option makes use of Team Cymru's Malware Hash Registry to determine if hashes are safe. It works asynchronously, requires whois and is suggested only for small numbers of files.
  • Unsafe files are put into quarantine at /avir/quarantine.