
A set of bells and whistles for your Git.

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

This repository is about sharing helper scripts for the Git version control system.

Install with:

gem install git-whistles

Note: if you installed a previous version of this by cloning the repository, you'll have to remove that clone from your PATH. Otherwise strange load issues may happen.

Use it with:

  • git ff-all-branches [-f] [-p] [-v]. Fast-forward all local tracking branches to their remote counterpart (where possible). Very useful on big projects.
  • git stash-and-checkout [branch] As the name implies: stash and checkout another branch.
  • git-pull-request [--from your-branch] [--to target-branch] Open your browser at a Github pull-request page for the specified branch (defaults to the current head). If you're using Pivotal Tracker and your branch has a story number in its name, populates your pull request with story details.
  • git outstanding-features [-f from-branch] [-t to-branch] List the pull requests merged in [to-branch] but not in [from-branch]. Useful to prepare a list of stuff you're going to deploy. Defaults to listing what's on origin/master but not on origin/production. [PedroCunha]
  • git chop [branch] Delete the local and origin copy of a branch. Useful to close feature branches once a feature is completed.
  • git list-branches [-l] [-r] [-i integration-branch] Colourful listing of all local or origin branches, and their distance to an integration branch (master by default).
  • git merge-po <ancestor> <left> <right> Merge engine for GetText PO files.
  • git select <story-id> Checkout a local branch with the matching number. If not found, lists remote branches
  • git latest-pushes [-n NR_RESULTS] [-p PATTERN] Show latest pushed branches to origin. Defaults to 20 results. Pattern is appended to refs/remotes/origin/ so include the team or project name to filter results. [PedroCunha]

More details on some of the commands


git merge-po <ancestor> <left> <right>

For those using gettext for I18n, a must-have: this custom merge driver will handle most merge/conflicts issues when a PO file was edited by different committers.

You don't have to call this directly.

Add this to your .git/config:

[merge "pofile"]
  name = Gettext merge driver
  driver = git merge-po %O %A %B

Add this to .gitattributes:

*.po   merge=pofile
*.pot  merge=pofile


git stash-and-checkout [branch]

As the name implies: stash and checkout another branch. If there was work in progress previously stashes for the target branch, it gets unstashed.

This lets you keep work in progress on multiple branches without committing it.

I tend to alias this to git co.