
Pomodoros, Hoodie.js style

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Tomatos for ye brainz

MVP Roadmap

  • Start pomodoro with a title and show a timer (00:25)
  • User authentication and authorization (thanks hoodie.js)
  • Notification/sound when pomodoro finishes
  • List past pomodoros with date
  • Design (mobile-first)
  • Change pomodoro duration


  • Pause running pomodoro
  • Tag pomodoros with #tag and enable filtering by tag



To install a specific plugin, run (in your app's directory):

$ hoodie install <name>

where <name> is one of the Hoodie Plugin.

To uninstall use:

$ hoodie uninstall <name>

Deploy to Nodejitsu

You need a Nodejitsu account and the jitsu tool installed.

Create a new hoodie app:

$ hoodie new myapp

Start app locally:

$ cd myapp
$ hoodie start

Create a database:

$ jitsu database create couch myapp

This prints out the URL for your database, something like:


Go to:


In the bottom right, click on "Fix This". Create a new user with the username admin and a password of your choice. Remember the password.

Create the Nodejitsu app.

$ jitsu apps create

Set your database URL as an environment variable:

$ jitsu env set COUCH_URL http://nodejitsudb1234567890.iriscouch.com:5984
$ jitsu env set HOODIE_ADMIN_USER admin
$ jitsu env set HOODIE_ADMIN_PASS <yourpassword>

<yourpassword> is the one you set up two steps ago.


$ jitsu deploy

(wait a minute)

Go to: http://myapp.jit.su


Deploy on a regular Linux/UNIX box:

See deployment.md