

  1. Launch one EC2 instance (free tier, e.g., t2.micro), using the following user data command, and open 80 port from the security group.
  1. Check if the website works through the public IP address.
  2. Launch one RDS instance (mysql, t2.micro), and open 3306 port to (only) the security group used for EC2 instance (e.g.,
  3. Make an S3 bucket and make it public.
  4. Set up the IAM role to EC2 with full S3 access.
  5. Submit the RDS and S3 information on the website that we launched.
  6. Check if posting function works.
  7. Launch another EC2 instance.
  • You have to attach the IAM role this time while you are creating the instance.
  1. Launch ELB and include two instances.
  2. Check if the page shows contents through different EC2 instances.