
grid-based old school 1-versus-1 soccer

Primary LanguageCISC LicenseISC


what is tiny soccer:

        tiny soccer is a little game that's kinda like chess. you start off with
        a certain amount of players. just like real soccer, the difference is,
        you can only do 3 actions:

            * move - this allows you to progress in the grid layout. you can
            not move over 1 grid space.

            * kick - this allows you to kick the ball if you are in bounds.
            "in bounds" referring to being 0 grid spaces away from the ball

            * pass - if you're in bound to the ball, this action will put the
            ball in the same radius as your teammates

        pre-dev notes:

            you can't kick the ball to a space somebody is already in. that will
            cause your ball to be set in the person who the ball hits

the grid offset issue:

        the reason all values have to be off by one (for example say you want to go to
        (3,-3) in a 5x5, instead you'd go to (2,2)) is because of the maximum
        the arrays can hold is 5, this looks weird visualized, but if you have
        no visualization this can easily be fixed by setting the bounds to 6x6
        instead of 5x5.

        in attempts to fix this issue, adding indexes that are minus 1 their
        actual value does not work. because at a certain point when the indexes
        will be negative, it leads to some very unexpected results:

            0 0 0 0 0 
            0 1 0 0 0 
            0 2 0 0 0 
            0 0 0 0 257 
            2 0 -1075053569 0 -1083377623       <- i dont remember the player
            being negative one hundred and eight billion
        so one day ill work on a proper graph system, but until then just make
        sure you offset all values by 1. and if you want to set points at the
        ends of the grid, use the GRID_FAKE_MAX define, which is 1 less than the
        GRID_BOUND define.

        (there is a little temporary solution to this problem now)

                To use "real" values, you can now use the real() function
                defined in grid.h

                    ppoint (&grid, real(5), real(0));
                    bpoint (&grid, real(5), real(5));


        the grid simply works in 0, 1, and 2s.

            0       -       no occupants in the space
            1       -       a player
            2       -       the ball

        this grid is very simple but a tad buggy, because it is advertized to be
        5x5, however, its actually 6x6 -> all of the values are capped at 5, you
        can test this with dist(), notice how once a point goes to 5, the
        distance is always 0. i didnt intend for it to be this way, yet another
        crazy glitch within my terrible C codespace.

        each grid looks something like this using C integer arrays:

            0   0   0   0   0
            0   0   0   0   0
            0   0   0   0   0
            0   0   0   0   0
            0   0   0   0   0

        makes zero sense right? well how about you look at the code that defines
        the stuff for this array:

            #define GRID_BOUND 6 /* grids will ALWAYS be even */

            #define NONE 0
            #define PLAYER 1
            #define BALL 2
        the top define defines the bounds for the grid, the larger the grid
        bound, the wider and taller the grid will be.

        there are 3 different (current) values: NONE, PLAYER, and BALL

        let's place a player in the center of the grid, using ppoint(), by the
        way, do know all of these values are most likely offset by 1. i just
        realized that as of writing this. find the reason in (the grid offset issue)

            ppoint (&grid, 2, 2); (notice that there's no NEGATIVES, this is
            system limitations, Y is technically -Y, but X is normal)

        now our grid looks more like this:

            0   0   0   0   0
            0   0   0   0   0
            0   0   1   0   0
            0   0   0   0   0
            0   0   0   0   0

        and that one right there. that one right there; he's our player.

        now let us place our ball. and do note that these point functions are
        really calls to set() and setf(), both setting values in the grid using
        x and y. they're basically the same thing.

            bpoint (xygrid *field, int x, int y)
                setf(field, x, y, BALL);

        setf() takes 4 arguments: the grid, x, y, and the value to set that
        place to. when you set the PLAYER object, you really used set() to set
        the point (3, 3) to PLAYER, which is 1. Let's add a ball.

        using bpoint() as shown above, that should be easy.
            bpoint (&grid, 2, 3);

        and like so, we have our ball. at (3, 4)

            0   0   0   0   0
            0   0   0   0   0
            0   0   1   0   0
            0   0   2   0   0
            0   0   0   0   0

        now, this probably isn't how it looks in C, but, its something. and
        thats how it's like, supposed to look i guess.

        you can actually visualize these grids using the print_grid() function
        that i decided to make. use it like so:

            xygrid grid;

            init (&grid);

            ppoint (&grid, 2, 2);
            bpoint (&grid, 2, 3);


        this is licensed under the ISC license , allowing no charge free
        distribution of this project as long as copyright notices and
        attributions are given.


        questions? comments? why the hell did you write this? why is it so damn
        terrible? email me!