
Tracking my self-teaching efforts

Late July 2022

  1. FreeCodeCamp curriculum
  2. Research guidance on how to learn and the best resources to use
  3. HTML, CSS, JS work

August 2022

  1. Started Odin Project
  2. Continued Free Code Camp, finished about half
  3. Various youtube videos, most useful by
    1. The Net Ninja
    2. Brad Traversy
    3. Web Dev Simplified
  4. Wes Bos 30 Days of Javascript
  5. Read:
  6. Artist's Guide to Programming by Jim Parker
  7. Think Like a Programmer by V. Anton Spraul

Started this document 9/22/22


  1. Finished Odin Project Foundations, chose Ruby path to continue
  2. Read:
    1. Self-Taught Computer Scientist by Cory Althoff
    2. Begin to Code with Javascript by Rob Miles (completed projects from book)
  3. Applied to Ada Academy


  1. Finished Begin to Code with Javascript book
  2. Continued progress on Odin Project Calculator
  3. Worked on CSS Grid exercises in Odin Project Intermediate HTML/CSS

9/25/22 & 9/26/22 Reading Eloquent Javascript by Marjin Haverbeke & working on exercises after each chapter


  1. Continued reading Eloquent Javascript & completing exercises
  2. Started Learning Javascript by Ethan Brown

9/28/22 Continued Learning Javascript by Ethan Brown

9/29/22-10/5/22 Travelled to northern Minnesota and Canada

10/6/22 Reviewed Learning Javascript by Ethan Brown

10/7/22 Odin Project - css grid unit Admitted to Hackbright Boot Camp after technical interview today - networked w/alum and asked questions about program

10/8/22 Odin Project - Admin dashboard project

10/9/22 Odin Project - Object curriculum

10/10/22 Odin Project - Library Project

10/11/22 Odin Project - Library Project, Reading You Don't Know JS (2nd Edition)

10/12/22 Learning Python now, I got an interview for the ADA academy C19 in Atlanta Completing ADA academy resources on Python today

10/13/22 Got very sick, didn't accomplish much

10/14/22 Recovering, continuing Ada Python course

10/16/22 Javascript Tic-tac-toe for Odin Project

10/17/22 Learning Javascript Design Patterns by Addy Osmani Odin Project - ES6 Modules

10/18/22 Finished Python coding question for Ada Academy technical interview Odin Project - Webpack

10/19/22 Odin Project - Javascript Modules

10/20/22 Ada Developer Academy Technical Interview First time speaking about code with another person

10/21/22 Odin Project - Javascript Modules

10/23/22 Odin Project - principles of good OOP design

10/24/22 Odin Project - To-Do List app start

10/25/22 Odin Project - To-Do List app, local storage, learned a lot about event propagation & modules

10/26/22 Odin Project - To-Do List app, watched all lectures I could find by Codesmith CEO, Will Sentance (very helpful)

10/27/22 Odin Project - today I finished a code that I would deem largely unintelligible to others, full of DRY violations, and a poor attempt to make a code modular. This was the first project I made using modules and webpack, so the focus was on getting them to work. I plan to continue working on this.

10/30/22 Head First Javascript by Elisabeth Robson and Eric Freeman

10/31/22 Odin Project - Weather app (async/await & api)

11/1/22 Ada Developer Academy final interview

11/2/22-11/4/22 COVID, very sick

11/5/22 Continue book Head First Javascript

11/6/22 Odin Project - computer science fundamentals

11/7/22 Odin Project - computer science fundamentals (merge sort, binary search tree)

11/8/22 Odin Project - computer science fundamentals, client-side form validation

11/9/22 Oding Project - client-side form validation

11/10/22 Odin Project - client-side form validation, advanced git topics, dynamic user interface interactions

11/11/22 Odin Project - testing with Jest

11/12/22 First coding meetup with NewBoCo

11/13/22 Head-First Javascript book

11/14/22 Odin Project - testing with Jest

11/15/22 Odin Project - Battleship

11/16/22 Odin Project - Battleship

11/17/22 - 11/21/22 Odin Project - Battleship

11/22/22 Odin Project - Battleship & start of React curriculum

11/23/22 Odin Project - React lessons

11/24/22 Odin Project - React

11/25/22 Odin Project - React

11/26/22 Odin Project - React Scrimba - Learn React for Free

11/27/22 Scrimba - Learn React for Free

11/28/22 11/29/22 11/30/22 Scrimba- Learn React for Free Professor Steve (youtube) Class Based React Odin Project - React CV Creator Project

12/1 12/2 12/4 Continue learning React, CV creator has massive problems so I'm back to drawing board with React learning

12/5/22 Odin Project - React CV Creator New branch in project, converted class based components to functions

12/6 Odin Project - React CV Creator Fixing bugs, adding features

12/7/22 Odin Project - Memory Game

12/8/22 Odin Project - React Router & React Testing units

12/9/22 Odin Project - Cleaning up old projects and publishing to Netlify

12/11/22 Odin Project - React Router & Testing Basics Cleaning up old projects, publish to Netlify for personal portfolio prep

12/12/22 Clean up old projects Odin Project - start React shopping cart project

12/13/22 Odin Project - React Shopping Cart project

12/14/22 Odin Project - React Shopping Cart project Waitlisted for Ada Developer Academy Learned how to use React Bootstrap Library

12/15/22 Odin Project- Learning Firebase BaaS for Back End

12/16/22 Started The Clean Coder: A Code of Conduct for Professional Programmers Book by Robert Cecil Martin Today I learned TDD is something I need to focus on

12/17/22 Odin Project - Learning Firebase through updating previous project to integrate with BaaS

12/18/22 Learned a little Firebase Finished The Clean Coder book - very very good book Started reading Clean Code, book by Robert Cecil Martin

12/19/22 Odin Project - Firebase Authentication with Library Project

12/20/22 Today I found out I could have a spot in Atlanta Ada Academy program. I spent the day looking at apartments.

12/21/22 Atlanta apartment search and admiring Airbnb UI

12/22/22, 12/23/22, 12/25/22 Angela Yu's 100 days of Python course (for Ada)

12/26/22 100 days of python

12/27-12/30 100 days of python

1/2/23 Started Cracking the Coding Interview by Gayle Laakmann McDowell 100 Days of Python

1/3/23 100 Days of Python

1/4/23-1/10/23 100 Days of Python

1/11-1/13 100 Days of Python

1/14/23 Harvard CS50 2021 Lecture 9 Harvard CS50 Lecture 7

1/15/23 100 Days of Python Harvard CS50 Lecture 8

1/16/23-1/18/23 100 Day of Python

1/19/23-1/20/23 Build website for client pro bono http://northside-park-montessori.com/

1/23/23 100 Days of Python

1/24/23-1/29/23 Off

1/30/22 97 Things Every Programmer Should Know - O'Reilly publishing