
use botman, facebook messenger and pages to make a chatbot

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT


stable version unstable version php version GitHub license

reference - BotMan
reference - Messenger
reference - Pages

開始使用 Getting Started

  • 產生一個空的 laravel 專案
  • new a laravel project
laravel new fbots


composer create-project --prefer-dist laravel/laravel fbots
  • 有一個 facebook developer 的帳號

  • have a facebook developer account

  • 擁有一個 https 的網址 (推薦使用 heroku 部署)

  • have a https web (recommend heroku)

必要條件 Prerequisites

  • 確定你有一個 facebook developer 帳號,並新建一個應用程式
  • make sure that you have a facebook developer account and create an application

安裝及設定 Install and Settings

composer require thekdesign/fbots

到 .env 檔內新增三個設定值 add three values in .env

FACEBOOK_TOKEN = "your-facebook-page-token"

FACEBOOK_VERIFICATION = "your-facebook-verification-token"

FACEBOOK_APP_SECRET = "your-facebook-app-secret"

快速使用 Quick Start

安裝所有元件 install all

composer require thekdesign/fbots

新增一個 Controller 再新增一個 function
new a Controller and new a function


class ChatController extends Controller
    public function talk(Request $request)
        /*                            config                         */
        /* --------------------------------------------------------- */
        /* token         : facebook page's access_token              */
        /* app_secret    : application's secret                      */
        /* verification  : to connect webhook, so it depends on you  */
        /* --------------------------------------------------------- */

        // 記得去獲取永久不過期的 facebook page's access_token
        // get the facebook page's access_token that never expires

        $config = [
            'facebook' => [
                'token' => env('FACEBOOK_TOKEN'),
                'app_secret' => env('FACEBOOK_APP_SECRET'),
                'verification' => env('FACEBOOK_VERIFICATION'),

        $bots = new FBots($request, $config);

        $bots->chat('Hey', 'Hello');




Route::match(['get', 'post'], '/bots', 'ChatController@talk');


reference - https://laravel.com/docs/5.5/csrf#csrf-excluding-uris

Excluding URIs From CSRF Protection

Messenger 設定 Messenger Settings

參考 https://developers.facebook.com/docs/messenger-platform

reference https://developers.facebook.com/docs/messenger-platform

功能說明 functions

詳細功能請查閱 https://botman.io/2.0/driver-facebook-messenger

reference https://botman.io/2.0/driver-facebook-messenger


    /* -------------------- */
    /*         Chat         */
    /* -------------------- */
    // new a fbot
        $bots = new FBots($request);
    // chat function
        $bots->chat('Hey', 'Hello!');
    // other chat function ($method is array or object)
        $bots->chat('Hey', $method);

    // conversation function (YourConversation is class)
        $bots->chat('Hey', startConvesation(new YourConversation));
    // listen function

        $bots = new FBots($request);
        // 按鈕形式 button template
        $button = ButtonTemplate::create('123')
                    ElementButton::create('Tell me more')->type("postback")->payload("tellmemore"),

        // 滑動瀏覽 generic template
        $generic = GenericTemplate::create()
                Element::create('BotMan Documentation')
                    ->subtitle('All about BotMan')
                    ->addButton(ElementButton::create('tell me more')
                Element::create('BotMan Laravel Starter')
                    ->subtitle('This is the best way to start with Laravel and BotMan')

        //列表形式 list template
        $list = ListTemplate::create()
            ->addGlobalButton(ElementButton::create('view more')->url('http://test.at'))
                Element::create('BotMan Documentation')
                    ->subtitle('All about BotMan')
                    ->addButton(ElementButton::create('tell me more')

                Element::create('BotMan Laravel Starter')
                    ->subtitle('This is the best way to start with Laravel and BotMan')

        // 點餐形式 receipt template
        $receipt = ReceiptTemplate::create()
            ->recipientName('Christoph Rumpel')
            ->merchantName('BotMan GmbH')
            ->addElement(ReceiptElement::create('T-Shirt Small')->price(15.99)->image('http://botman.io/img/botman-body.png'))
                ->street1('Watsonstreet 12')
                ->city('Bot City')
                ->state('Washington AI')
            ->addAdjustment(ReceiptAdjustment::create('Laravel Bonus')->amount(5));

        // 圖片形式 image template
        $image = MediaTemplate::create()
                ->addButton(ElementButton::create('Tell me more')
                    ->payload('Tell me more'))

        //影片形式 video template
       $video = MediaTemplate::create()
                    ElementButton::create('Web URL')

        $bots->chat('Hey', 'Hello!');
        // 加入你想要的 add whatever you want
        // $bots->chat('give me button', $button);
        // $bots->chat('give me generic', $generic);
        // $bots->chat('give me list', $list);
        // $bots->chat('give me receipt', $receipt);
        // $bots->chat('give me image', $image);
        // $bots->chat('give me video', $video);



        /* ----------------------- */
        /*         Publish         */
        /* ----------------------- */
    // new a publish
        $pages = new Publish();    

    /*                          post method                                */
    /* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* $pages_id     : id from your facebook pages        | string         */
    /* $message      : write what you want to post        | string         */
    /* $link         : if you want to post include links  | string         */
    /* $photo        : if you want to post include photos | string(url)    */
    /* $published    : decide that publish now or later   | string(url)    */
    /* $publish_time : decide that publish time           | Unix timestamp */
    /* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    // post function
    // 圖片請使用url
    // use url for photo 
        $pages->post($pages_id, $message);
    /*                          get method                       */
    /* --------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* $page_id  : the post's id                        | string */
    /* $type     : get information from pages or posts  | string */
    /* --------------------------------------------------------- */
    // get function

    /*                               reply method                           */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* $type     : comments, private_replies(Permissions problems) | string */
    /* $page_id  : the post's id                                   | string */
    /* $message  : write what you want to reply                    | string */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    // reply function
        $pages->reply($type, $post_id, $message);

    /*                    autoReply method                    */
    /* ------------------------------------------------------ */
    /* $type_reply : comments, private_replies    | string    */
    /* $post_id    : the post's id                | string    */
    /* $hears      : keyword that start to reply  | string    */
    /* $reply      : write what you want to reply | string    */
    /* $repeat     : remove the repeat user       | boolean   */
    /* ------------------------------------------------------ */
    // autoReply function
        $pages->autoReply($type_reply, $post_id, $hears, $reply);
    /*          finishPost method           */
    /* ------------------------------------ */
    /* $post_id  : the post's id   | string */
    /* ------------------------------------ */
    // finishPost function
Get Method

reference - https://developers.facebook.com/docs/graph-api/reference/page/

$pages->get('page_id', $type);
    public function publish()
        $pages = new Publish();

        $pages_id = '***';
        $message = 'Hello World';
        $link = 'https://github.com/ThekDesign';
        // $link = 'https://www.youtube.com/';
        $photo = 'https://c1.staticflickr.com/9/8755/16962787241_0f4839004a_b.jpg';
        /* 排定發佈,選擇false會得到response後的id,根據個人需要發佈的時機發佈 */
        /* If you set "$publish = false", you will get the id of response. */
        /* You can decide the publish time. */ 
        // reference - https://developers.facebook.com/docs/pages/publishing
        $publish = true;

        $result = $pages->post(

        return $result;

    public function reply()
        $pages = new Publish();

        // type: comments(公開回覆), private_replies(私人訊息)
        $pages->reply('comments', 'page_id', 'message');
    public function obtain()
        $pages = new Publish();

        // get the post 拿到那則貼文
        $result = $pages->get('page_id');
        // type: comments(公開回覆)
        // get all comments 拿到所有留言
        // $result = $pages->get('page_id', 'comments');

        return $result;
    public function send()
        $pages = new Publish();


Built With





FBots is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details