
What does it do?

Synchronus is a Minecraft plugin that allows server administrators to periodically update a database with values found in .yml files on the server.

All versions of Minecraft should be supported; however this has only been tested on Minecraft 1.2.5.

Note: Synchronus only supports .yml files at this time.

Example application:

Scrubbing Essentials user data for account balance, user connection timestamps, and nicknames; uploaded to a database for use in other applications.

What does it not do?

Synchronus does not update server-side files from the database.

How does Synchronus store data?

Synchronus attempts to store data in the format found when retrieving it (Integer, Long, Double, Boolean, String). If Synchronus encounters a list, the list will be converted to a JSON array, then entered into the database as text. If Synchronus encounters a configuration section, the entire section is recursively converted to a JSON object, then stored in the database as text.

What does Synchronus require?

Synchronus requires nothing more than a Minecraft server that supports Bukkit plugins, Java 1.8+, and an appropriate MySQL database to connect to.

Note: Database table creation is not currently supported by Synchronus. Please create and configure your tables as appropriate before using Synchronus.

Can I use Synchronus on my server?

Yes, you are welcome to use Synchronus on your server. This is at your own risk; I am not liable if Synchronus causes any data loss, performance issues, etc...

Can I modify Synchonus?

You may modify Synchronus as long as appropriate credit is given to the original creator (myself).