
Plaid Link plugin for Flutter

Primary LanguageDartMIT LicenseMIT

Plaid Link plugin for Flutter


A Flutter plugin for Plaid Link.

This plugin integrates the native SDKs:

If you like this plugin and find it useful, I would be forever grateful for your support:

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Feel free to leave any feedback here.


Add plaid_flutter as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file.


  1. Add a Run Script build phase (name it Prepare for Distribution for example) with the script below. Be sure to run this build phase after the Embed Frameworks build phase (or [CP] Embed Pods Frameworks build phase when integrating using CocoaPods)
cp "${LINK_ROOT:-$PROJECT_DIR}"/LinkKit.framework/prepare_for_distribution.sh "${CODESIGNING_FOLDER_PATH}"/Frameworks/LinkKit.framework/prepare_for_distribution.sh

NOTE: More info at https://plaid.com/docs/link/ios.


  1. Log into your Plaid Dashboard at the API page and add a new Allowed Android package name (for example com.plaid.example) and a new Allowed redirect URI.

NOTE: More info at https://plaid.com/docs/link/android.

Release configurations

Before creating the release build of your app (which is the default setting when building an APK or App Bundle) you will likely need to add the following line to your ProGuard configuration file as per this link to avoid runtime crashes when the app is built with shrink enabled:

-keep class com.google.crypto.tink.proto.** { *; }

NOTE: The example app is updated with a Proguard rules file(proguard-rules.pro)here.