MyReads Project
The goal of this project was to create a book tracking app. A server would host a list of books and some of these books have been classified into different shelves according to their state in user's reading process. A book can be read, currently being read, plan to be read next or None. Accordingly books go into different shelves. The user is allowed to classify books into different states using a dropdown. Additional books can be added to the bookshelf using the search page. The state of the books across the two pages is synced.
This was done as a part of Udacity's Online React NanoDegree program. This was the final assignment of the React course of the Nanodegree program.
Things Learnt
- State Management
- Composing application into reusable components
- React Router
- Controlled Components
- Passing data between components using props
Instructions to Run the Project
- Clone the repo
- Restore dependencies using npm (Run the command npm install)
- Start the development server by running the command npm start.
- Navigate to the url displayed in your terminal after running npm start