Create React App Configuration Override is an easy and comprehensible configuration layer for create-react-app.
Get all the benefits of create-react-app and customization without using 'eject' by adding a single craco.config.js
file at the root of your application and customize your eslint, babel, postcss configurations and many more.
All you have to do is create your app using create-react-app and customize the configuration with a craco.config.js
- Create React App (CRA) 4.*
- Yarn
- Yarn Workspace
- Lerna (with or without hoisting)
- Custom
- Installation - How to install and setup CRACO.
- Configuration - How to customize your CRA installation with CRACO.
- CRA Toolchain for Beginners
- API - CRACO APIs for Jest and Webpack.
- Recipes – Short recipes for common use cases.
- Available Plugins - Plugins maintained by the community.
- Develop a Plugin - How to develop a plugin for CRACO.
- Backward Compatibility
- Debugging
- craco-preact by @DocSpring
- craco-less by @DocSpring
- craco-antd by @DocSpring
- craco-plugin-react-hot-reload by @hasanayan
- craco-plugin-single-spa-application by @hasanayan
- craco-babel-loader by @rjerue
- craco-raw-loader by @melMass
- craco-base64-inline-loader by @melMass
- craco-workbox by @kevinsperrine
- craco-use-babelrc by @jackwilsdon
- craco-image-optimizer-plugin by @kkulbae
- craco-interpolate-html-plugin by @kkulbae
- craco-cesium by rot1024
- craco-sass-resources-loader by tilap
- craco-linaria by jedmao
- craco-plugin-scoped-css by gaoxiaoliangz
- craco-alias by @risenforces
- craco-favicons by @rickysullivan
- craco-styled-jsx by @cr4zyc4t
- craco-purescript-loader by @andys8
- craco-fast-refresh by @vimcaw
- craco-parameter-decorator by @Hokid
- storybook-preset-craco by @danielknell
@timarney for having created react-app-rewired.
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