
Scrapes news article links from Indian news websites

Primary LanguagePython



  1. git clone
  2. create virtualenv
  3. pip install -r requirements.txt


  1. pip install newscraper


    $ newscrape --help
    usage: newscrape [-h] [-o OUTPUT] [-s SITES] [-d DAYSOLD | -D DATE | -t TOTAL]
                     [-p POOLSIZE]

    Scrapes news article links from Indian news websites

    positional arguments:
      keywords              comma separated keywords to search for. eg:
                            newscrape.py "election,national herald"

    optional arguments:
      -h, --help            show this help message and exit
      -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                            specify output file path. default= ./articles.csv
      -s SITES, --sites SITES
                            comma separated sites to scrape. available options:
                            ndtv,indianexpress default: ALL
      -d DAYSOLD, --daysold DAYSOLD
                            Max days old news to scrape
      -D DATE, --date DATE  Exact date of oldest news to scrape (dd/mm/yyyy)
      -t TOTAL, --total TOTAL
                            total articles to be extracted from each site
      -p POOLSIZE, --poolsize POOLSIZE
                            specify no. of concurrent greenlets