
Simple tool for flashing any PInetime bootloader using openocd-spi

Primary LanguageShell


NOTE: This is not too useful anymore, with the reloader DFU's

I have tested this on my own PineTime :)

Many thanks to lupyuen https://github.com/lupyuen/ for their work on the scripts that this is based upon, and their extensive work on the PineTime

  • Requirements
  1. A Raspberry PI
  2. openocd-spi (https://github.com/lupyuen/openocd-spi)
  3. Your bootloader file
  4. The command "sed" (check by using the command to see the help)
  5. Unprotected flash ( run flash-unprotect.sh instead of flash-boot.sh in step 5 (skip step 6), then redo with flash-boot)
  • How to use
  1. Move the openocd-spi folder to the Desktop folder
  • (When the folder is opened, you should see a folder named src)
  • Path to exec should look like ~/Desktop/openocd-spi/src/openocd
  1. Download this repo's files
  • Move the files to desktop, not in a folder
  • ~/Desktop/filename.ocd etc.
  1. Get the desired bootloader file
  2. Connect the Pi to the PineTime SWD pins (look at (https://gist.github.com/lupyuen/6913bcd5ff5a5d67698f8bac0d84599b#file-pi-swd-spi-md))
  3. In a terminal, "cd Desktop" and then run "bash flash-boot.sh"
  • Do not use sudo, it will move ~/ to the su home.
  1. You will be asked to enter the path to the bootloader, enter it
  • Path like ~/Downloads/bootloader.hex ; if that does not work, use /home/pi/{your directory here}
  • You can also drag the file in if your terminal supports it (this should work on Raspbian)
  • Thats all!