
A simple weight converter which converts the given weight in kg to lbs i.e kilograms to pounds. it also uses setTimout function to show error messages for few seconds

Primary LanguageCSS

Hello fellows😎,

How's it going? here back with another JavaScript Project {12/12}: Weight-Converter{pretty simple one}.

🔴 Live Demo: https://weight-converter-ray.vercel.app/

🔴 GitHub link: https://github.com/thekiranmahajan/weight-converter



✅ Simple gradient UI with Glassmorphism card and inset shadows for depth.

✅ On every input change a function gets executed which converts weight in kg to weight in pounds lbs.

✅ It also handles errors such as if someone tries to provide a negative or NaN or zero number it shows a custom error for 2 seconds with setTimeout

✅ Similarly it shows thank you after a successful weight conversion removes values from the input field and goes back to default.