
Repo for the Game (not the site)

Primary LanguageElixir

K2poker on Elixir

Head-to-head Texas Holdem style poker game where players can discard, play or fold at any time during the game, creates a game api for handling all the actions and returns the winning result at the end.

#TODO This is a first version, written whilst learning Elixir, and although it works and has lots of test, some of the code could do with a good refactor to use the Elixir language more expressively, the API should remain the same though, I especially need to consider moving the players List to a Map, which should cut down all the finding and indexing needed to update the player on every action.

#TODO Consider adding in the actions for updating players current scores within a tournament, not sure if it belongs here, but dont want to keep it within the main phoenix app, the game should be separated from the tournament, so we can simply add a new game into the app and just pass back and forth win/lose/draw results to the tournament so it can decide what to do with the player


Available methods that can be passed to K2Poker


This intializes a new game |> requires 2 ids (names) as Strings |> returns a Game (object) which holds a shuffled deck of cards |> 2 cards dealt to each player, setting the status to :deal |> player status' to :new |> information is held in a %K2poker.Game{} struct |> use the return value to play / discard or fold:

eg. game = K2poker.new("bob", "stu")

#play This will update the players status to :ready |> requires the current K2poker.Game Struct and the player_id (String) |> if both players status' are set to ready, |> it will automatically move to the next stage of the game |> and set the status' accordingly |> returns the updated K2poker.Game Struct

eg. game = K2poker.play(game, "bob")

#discard This will discard the given card and deal the given player a new card |> requires the current K2poker.Game Struct, the player_id and the index of the card to be exchanged |> will block the move unless the players status is :new |> will only exchange card during correct stage of game, i.e, deal, flop and turn |> if the game status is at the :river, it will discard (burn) both cards |> returns the updated K2poker.Game Struct

eg. game = K2poker.discard(game, "stu", 0)

#fold This will finish the game, setting the players status to :folded |> requires the current K2poker.Game Struct and the player_id |> returns an updated K2poker.Game Stuct with the status's and result updated

eg. game = K2poker.fold(game, "stu")

Once the game has reached the final turn (i.e. both players have played on the :river) the cards are checked and winning result calculated, this result is placed in the :result atom of the K2poker.Game Struct

eg. game = K2poker.fold(game, "stu")


This will return a map of only the given players information, that can be passed down the line to the given player, so he/she does not receive the other players info or the deck |> requires the current K2poker.Game Struct and the player_id |> returns a map of key/values

eg. player_data = K2poker.player_data(game, "stu")


If available in Hex, the package can be installed as:

  1. Add k2poker to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:
def deps do
  [{:k2poker, "~> 0.1.0"}]
  1. Ensure k2poker is started before your application:
def application do
  [applications: [:k2poker]]