
Test the validity of a visa credit card

Primary LanguageJavaScript


visa-validation is a module that help you validate a visa credit card.

Basic Usage

To use this module you only have to insert the visa credit card informations into the method validateVisa(), as shown on the example bellow.

var visaCard = require('visa-validation');
var card = {
  number: '4916396764746993',
  expiryMonth: '12',
  expiryYear: '2017',
  cvv: '123'
var validation = visaCard.validateVisa(card);

So validateVisa() will return an object like this:

{ card:
   { number: '4916396764746993',
     expiryMonth: '12',
     expiryYear: '2017',
     cvv: '123' },
  validCardNumber: true,
  validExpiryMonth: true,
  validExpiryYear: true,
  validCvv: true,
  isExpired: false }


You can also use those methods, to get each information of the visa card separately: hasVisaPatterns(), isValidCvv(), isExpired(), isValidExpiryYear(), isValidExpiryMonth(), isValidCardNumber(), luhn()

Other Credit Card Types

To test other credit card you can use the module credit-card.