visa-validation is a module that help you validate a visa credit card.
To use this module you only have to insert the visa credit card informations into the method validateVisa()
, as shown on the example bellow.
var visaCard = require('visa-validation');
var card = {
number: '4916396764746993',
expiryMonth: '12',
expiryYear: '2017',
cvv: '123'
var validation = visaCard.validateVisa(card);
So validateVisa()
will return an object like this:
{ card:
{ number: '4916396764746993',
expiryMonth: '12',
expiryYear: '2017',
cvv: '123' },
validCardNumber: true,
validExpiryMonth: true,
validExpiryYear: true,
validCvv: true,
isExpired: false }
You can also use those methods, to get each information of the visa card separately: hasVisaPatterns(), isValidCvv(), isExpired(), isValidExpiryYear(), isValidExpiryMonth(), isValidCardNumber(), luhn()
To test other credit card you can use the module credit-card.