
Combine multiple-cursors and calc

Primary LanguageEmacs Lisp

Emacs Package mc-calc

This Emacs package allows the use of calc in regions with multiple-cursors.


Someday mc-calc can be installed through package.el.

It will be available on MELPA and probably MELPA Stable:

M-x package-install mc-calc

The package depends on the multiple-cursors package, so if you do not use package.el, you would need to install that too.


Please use M-x finder-commentary mc-calc for documentation.

Usage Examples

All following examples assume you know how to use multiple-cursors. But so that you can follow without knowing multiple-cursors, I use the verb to mc, which means the following operations:

  • move the cursor to the beginning of the first element of interest (number or expression),
  • mark each line with M-x mc/mark-next-lines,
  • activate the region for each cursor over the element of interest by issuing C-SPC and moving the cursor right.

You can disable multiple-cursors after using it by entering RET.

Simple Calculations

Say you write code in C and want to evaluate the following formulas:

#defun BITMASK_BIT1 2^1
#defun BITMASK_BIT2 2^2
#defun BITMASK_BIT6 2^6

All you have to do is to mc the 2^* parts and issue M-x mc-calc-eval to get:

#defun BITMASK_BIT1 2
#defun BITMASK_BIT2 4
#defun BITMASK_BIT6 64


Consider you have the following org table and quickly want to calculate 2 to the power of those values:

| 1 |
| 2 |
| 6 |

You simply mc each number and use M-x mc-calc-grab:

--- Emacs Calculator Mode ---
1:  [1, 2, 6]

Then in the calc buffer you enter 2 and TAB followed by VM^ to get the desired values:

--- Emacs Calculator Mode ---
1:  [2, 4, 64]

To get these values back into the table you use M-x mc-calc-copy-to-buffer, disable multiple-cursors with RET and re-align the table with TAB:

|  2 |
|  4 |
| 64 |


First install Cask.

Then execute unit tests:


and behavior tests:


Useful links for test development:

GPL v3 Unit Test Behaviour Test