
Snarl Network Protocol Client. You can notify to Snarl on LAN.

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


Snarl Network Protocol(SNP) Client for Snarl. You can send messages to Snarl on LAN.

Snarl is a popup-message application on Windows. Alike Growl. www.fullphat.net/ SNP 1.0 documentation is here. www.fullphat.net/dev/snp/index.htm

If you are able to read Japanese, please read doc-ja/README.rdoc.ja.


  • Ruby 1.8.6 or later (including 1.9.1)


gem install snarl-snp

No other gems are required.


ezookojo@gmail.com d.hatena.ne.jp/kitamomonga/ (in Japanese)

Short Exsamples

@host is a Windows machine host which is running Snarl (LAN only). Set the value in advance, then copy and paste codes on irb.

@host = '' # Snarl machine host

When nil/undef, Snarl::SNP uses ‘’. Default port is 9887.


0.2.0 feature. It maybe seems to be easy.

require 'rubygems'
require 'snarl/snp'
host       : #{@host}
app        : Ruby-Snarl
title      : popup title
text       : hello!
timeout    : 5
unregister : false

require 'rubygems'
require 'snarl/snp'
yaml = <<YAML
host  : #{@host}
app   : Ruby-Snarl
class :
   - [class1, name1]
   - [class2, name2]
Snarl::SNP.load(yaml) do |snp|
  snp.notification(:title => 'title', :text => 'text', :class => 'class1')

require 'rubygems'
require 'snarl/snp'
host  : #{@host}
app   : Ruby-Snarl
class :
   - [class1, name1]
   - [class2, name2]
notification :
   title : title
   text  : text
   class : class1
logfile : $stdout

require 'rubygems'
require 'snarl/snp'
host  : #{@host}
app   : Ruby-Snarl
notification :
   title : 1st post!
   text  : message1
   title : 2nd post!
   text  : message2

For YAML details, see YAML.rdoc.

Simple Popup (anonymous application)

require 'rubygems'
require 'snarl/snp'
Snarl::SNP.show_message(@host, 'title', 'Hello, Snarl!')


Snarl::SNP.new(@host).notification('title', 'Hello, Snarl!')
Snarl::SNP.open(@host){|snp| snp.notification('title', 'Hello, Snarl!')}

Snarl::SNP can simply send message in this way, but you cannot change popup settings on Snarl. If you want to change popup settings(i.e. changing a color style), at least register an “application name”.

NOTE: The multibyte anonymous application messages may not work well.

Popup Application (anonymous class)

require 'rubygems'
require 'snarl/snp'
Snarl::SNP.open(@host) do |snp|
  snp.notification('title', 'text', nil, 10)
# if you wish
# Snarl::SNP.new(@host).unregister('Ruby-Snarl')

“application name” is Ruby-Snarl. On Snarl, it’s shown in “Apps” - “The following applications are registered with Snarl:” - “Ruby-Snarl on xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx”. You can change popup settings now. If you want to classify messages(i.e. a green popup message, a red popup message, …), set classes.

Unregister Application (remove application setting from Snarl)

When sending “unregister” or starting Snarl, application names are hideen from setting window.

require 'rubygems'
require 'snarl/snp'
Snarl::SNP.open(@host) do |snp|

An unregister command makes the application “inactive”. The application is removed from Snarl setting window, and Snarl users can not change their popup settings. If you wish to allow users to change the popup settings, you should not use unregister commands on your usual scripts.

Popup Application (full)

require 'rubygems'
require 'snarl/snp'
Snarl::SNP.open(@host) do |snp|
  snp.notification('title', 'type1 text', nil, 10, 'type1')
  snp.notification('title', 'type2 text', nil, 10, 'type2')
# if you wish
# Snarl::SNP.new(@host).unregister('Ruby-Snarl')

Classes are used for message classification. They are shown in “Apps” - “Notification classes:”. If you change style of “type1” class on Snarl, all “type1” messages of application “Ruby-Snarl” pop in your way.

Send SNP raw command strings

require 'rubygems'
require 'snarl/snp'
Snarl::SNP.open(@host) do |snp|
  snp.request("type=SNP#?version=1.1#?action=notification#?app=Ruby-Snarl#?class=type1#?title=title#?text=type1 text!#?timeout=10\r\n")
  snp.request("type=SNP#?version=1.1#?action=notification#?app=Ruby-Snarl#?class=type2#?title=title#?text=type2 text!#?timeout=10\r\n")
# if you wish

“rn” is must. Don’t use “rn” or “r” in message body. Use “n” instead.

Multibyte Popup

require 'rubygems'
require 'snarl/snp'
require 'kconv'
Snarl::SNP.open(@host){|snp| snp.notification('タイトル'.tosjis, '日本語'.tosjis)}

Windows encoding is required. Windows 2000 is Shift_JIS (CP932), XP is UTF-8, maybe.

SNP on command line

bin/snarl_snp is available.

snarl_snp -H host -a app -t title -m message

snarl_snp --yaml=./snp.yml

and so on.

-H host, –host=host

the hostname/address which Snarl is running (default, -h shows help. “H”ost. Sorry.

-p port, –port=port

the port number which Snarl uses (default, 9887)

-a app, –app=app

the application name you use on Snarl (default, nothing). It’s read in SNP#register(app)

-c class, –class=class

the classname you use on Snarl (default, nothing). It’s read in SNP#add_class and notification

-t title, –title=title

the title string of popup (default ‘Ruby-Snarl’).

-m msg, –text=msg

the popup message body.

-s sec, –timeout=sec

popups automatically close in sec (default 10 sec.). -t is not for timeout but title.


popup message icon path (default, default style’s icon). URL or filepath on Snarl machine. JPG/PNG/GIF


makes popup “sticky” (default, closes in timeout sec). this is equal to “–timeout=0”.

-u, –unregister

removes app from Snarl setting window (default, false). note: users cannot change app’s setting.


shows SNP logs to stdout (default, false)

-y yamlpath, –yaml=yamlpath

the YAML file path for “automatic SNP” (default, nothing)


My autotest/autospec shutdowns after test. Snarl got no message.

Set Autotest::Snarl.host on “.autotest” file.

require 'snarl/autotest'
Autotest::Snarl.host = ''

You may set OS environment variable SNARL_HOST. Autotest::Snarl uses it instead of default host If you use Snarl on (and use bash as a shell),

SNARL_HOST= autotest

Copyright © 2010 kitamomonga (TATEWAKI Hiroyuki). This software is MIT license, see MIT-LICENSE file for details. Snarl and SNP is not mine. See www.fullphat.net/ .