
How to install GUI on Alpine Linux

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How to install GUI on Alpine Linux



apk add xf86-video-vesa

apk add xf86-input-mouse

apk add xf86-input-keyboard

apk update

apk add xfce4

apk add xfce4-terminal

apk add lightdm-gtk-greeter

apk add xfce-polkit

apk add xfce4-screensaver

apk add consolekit2

apk add sudo

rc-update add dbus

rc-service dbus start

rc-update add lightdm

adduser >username<
(example adduser pb , adduser thelearn-tech)

rc-service lightdm start

as soon as you type rc-service lightdm start gui will start

and login promt will appear in login you will see Linux user and other..

login as other.. with the user name and password you set with adduser and enter ,now you will be in gui

As you have login as user not root open terminal and type su enter root password now you are root and you can install use all stuff as root

when screensaver comes on press space key and in linux user give password root or press switch user and login as other giving username and password

This was the first boot
from now you can login as Linux User with password root but it will be slow to load desktop enviroment and in generall experience will be slow

So i will recommend you to login as other expreance will be faster than if u login as Linux User

NOTE:- If you login as Linux User on screensaver your Experience will be same


i will recommend Firefox as its light weight

apk add firefox-esr

Now if u get server not found error in Firefox

You need to configure your DNS

open terminal

su (enter root password)

apk add nano

cd /etc

nano resolv.conf

change nameserver to namesever (Google) namesever (Cloudflare)

ctrl + x (to save changes)

y (for yes)

enter(hit enter key)


After rebooting test if firefox iss working by searching someting like www.github.com


For audio u can download cmus ,gnome , MPV

apk add cmus

apk add gnome

apk add mpv

No Sound Troubleshooting

If you have no sound out that means there is no audio engine

apk add pulseaudio

apk add alsa-utils alsa-utils-doc

apk add alsa-lib alsaconf


Esc (press Esc key)

rc-service alsa start

rc-update add alsa



note:-you need to be root to install programs

poweroff (will turn of your PC)

reboot (will reboot your PC)

rebooting PC usualy solves alot of problems.

report problems and for more solution on Alpine Linux visit Discussion page

I may be late to reply but i will reply