- 1
Unexpected `matches` behavior
#61 opened by jumarko - 1
Email validation error in domain part
#54 opened by thundergolfer - 1
Couldn't load library
#58 opened by hawarir - 6
Is it still alive?
#57 opened by LukasRychtecky - 0
Coercion for fields
#55 opened by ustun - 0
Why are these different?
#53 opened by FreekPaans - 6
Messages customized based on input
#43 opened by SevereOverfl0w - 0
:pre functions do not get nested values
#52 opened by jwr - 1
- 1
Personal error for every item in vector
#50 opened by BooBSD - 1
- 10
Multi-field validation
#21 opened by theleoborges - 1
- 1
What is the point of repeat in first value of vector and :bouncer.core/errors?
#46 opened by kwladyka - 5
- 5
Release a new version
#44 opened - 1
v/matches implies v/required?
#40 opened by jonase - 3
Errors in a list, and short circuiting
#42 opened by robinheghan - 4
- 3
namespace-qualify meta keys
#37 opened by vvvvalvalval - 1
Password confirmation
#45 opened by simax - 4
provide optional validators
#36 opened by vvvvalvalval - 1
Version ranges found for:
#34 opened by vsnguyen - 3
v/datetime does not work in clojurescript
#32 opened by sonwh98 - 3
Clojurescript support?
#25 opened by robinheghan - 9
Date related validators ?
#22 opened by mogverse - 4
- 2
No way to validate a combination of fields.
#20 opened by mogverse - 3
Validating heterogeneous list of items
#17 opened by casperc - 2
- 4
- 3
Change default custom validator message
#15 opened by casperc - 3
Composable validation for nested sequences?
#11 opened by trentonstrong - 2
- 2
Problem with some use case
#8 opened by timewarrior - 7
IndexOutOfBoundsException when validating using validation set in 0.2.2 - Update documentation
#2 opened by solussd - 3
3 level composition broken
#7 opened by narkisr - 4
bouncer.validators/member does not allow me to pass it a symbol referring to the collection
#5 opened by solussd - 2
Revalidating a map that failed validation does not remove :bouncer.core/errors keyval and therefore always fails validation
#3 opened by solussd