
Stream library for Node.js with lazy evaluation

Primary LanguageCoffeeScript


A library for lazy evaluation in Node.js, with support for infinite sequences.

Creating a stream

stream = require 'stream'

stream.range 9                        # naturals from 9 to infinity
stream.cycle [1, 2, 3]                # repeats 1, 2, 3 forever
stream.create (-> 2), ((i) -> i*2)    # all powers of 2

Stream operations

myStream.filter (i) -> i%2 == 0       # a new stream with even numbers only
myStream.map (i) -> i*2               # doubles every number in the stream
myStream.take 5                       # get the first 5 elements (javascript array)

stream.zip s1, s2, s3                 # creates a new steam pairing all streams 1 to 1

Try the sample code

# in the project folder

>  npm install
>  npm install -g mocha
>  mocha

# all the tests should pass

> coffee src/main.coffee

# lots of prime numbers!

See the unit tests for more examples...