
Gentoo overlay for Valve's Steam client and Steam-based games

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Gentoo overlay for Valve's Steam client and Steam-based games. Stable ebuilds are also transferred to Gamerlay overlay (repo).

Using the overlay

You can add this overlay with Layman and the following command layman -a steam.

To install, emerge steam-meta ebuild.

Troubleshooting Steam

If you have problems, please take a look at http://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Steam, Gentoo Forums thread, Arch Wiki and the official bug tracker.

The correspondig bugzilla entry is bug #442176. The official steam repo is here.

Contribute to this overlay

If you want to suggest changes, like new dependencies or game-related stuff, please send a github pull request with explanation/proof why this is necessary, so we can discuss it. Determine correct behavior and dependencies can be tricky, therefore we'd like to discuss and wait for confirmation of others before adding modifications or new ebuilds.