
We are a global community of like-minded people that exists to help practitioners of Scrum, other Agile methods, and Liberating Structures to find support, offer help, and draw inspiration. We believe in the power of peer-to-peer inspiration to overcome the tough challenges we face when we try to liberate teams and organizations from ineffective, de-humanizing, and traditional ways of working.

Primary LanguagePython

The Liberators Network


We are a global community that exists to help practitioners of Scrum, other Agile methods, and Liberating Structures to find support, offer help, and draw inspiration. We believe in the power of peer-to-peer inspiration to overcome the tough challenges we face when we try to liberate teams and organizations from ineffective ways of working.

A Global Community With Local Meetups

While The Liberators Network features global meetups, these can only go so far in offering more personal and local support. This is where our local branches, the user groups, come in. Each user group focuses on a specific country, region or organization while also remaining open to other participants. To keep the quality high and prevent overload, we aim for one user group per region. A user group can be focused on a country (e.g. Switzerland user group), region (London user group), or a specific organization. Whatever you prefer.

User groups are autonomous in the sense that they can pick the topics that matter the most to them, and use the tools and platforms that are most suitable for that. User groups are integrated into the larger community in the sense that all groups are visible on a public Github page. Also, local organizers periodically meet to give and get help and start collective initiatives together. There is the option for local user groups to participate in global topics that are prepared together.

We hope that The Liberators Network allows us all to tap into the potential of the collective brainpower, expertise, and creativity that such a large and diverse network holds. For example, we hope to develop, field test, and report on strings of Liberating Structures (e.g. to overcome Zombie Scrum or navigate conflicts), to develop helpful tools for Scrum teams, and come up with creative ideas and powerful experiments.

Index of User Groups

Communities We Collaborate With

Want To Start A Local User Group?

If you're interested in starting a user group in your country, region or organisation, do the following:

  1. Read the Rules of Play to understand the (minimal) boundaries
  2. Read the Community Principles that we created (and are continuously refining) with the community
  3. Send an email to info@theliberators.com to apply. Please provide us with a motivation as to why you'd like to start
  4. Join our Patreon community.

Support Our Network

A lot of work goes into organizing, maintaining and spreading this thriving community into all the corners of the world. The great news is that the community is funding our efforts. If you enjoy this community, please considering supporting us too on Patreon.

Making Changes To This Repository

Anyone can submit changes to this repository. In order to do so, check out this repository, make your changes and create a pull request for it. We will review each pull request before merging it into the main branch.