
Pagination issue for getUserPlaylists()

Cal-culator opened this issue · 4 comments

Spotify, by default, limits the length of the playlist array to 20. Using getUserPlaylists() function only returns 20 playlists.

Kinda funny we both have the same query. I tried using { limit : 50, offset : 50 } as recommended in the docs but I'm getting the following error.

Unhandled Runtime Error

WebapiRegularError: An error occurred while communicating with Spotify's Web API.
Details: No token provided.

I would like to know how to get ALL user playlists.

Welp, figured it out 5 minutes after typing the above.

Do something like this.

spotifyApi.getUserPlaylists({ limit: 50, offset: 0 })

Then you can write logic to increase the offset by 50 everytime until you reach the end of the playlists. The limit max is 50 tho.

Ah ok. This is really helpful! Thanks a lot!