- 0
Any way to add custom headers into API requests?
#506 opened by phts - 3
- 1
I can't Search Track with Korean title
#489 opened by DONGHAEY - 5
- 3
AuthorizationCodeGrant issue
#499 opened by Moethantko - 1
- 1
Dead link in for Get a Show
#505 opened by jpdavalos423 - 1
- 0
Can't refresh access token
#503 opened by vuthanhtrung2010 - 1
- 1
Invalid authorization code but return accessToken
#501 opened by Evanrsl - 4
Server Error 500
#498 opened by fmorett - 9
Status of the Project?
#469 opened by Xiphe - 0
How can i get images of a track
#493 opened by ngoc2003 - 1
How can i play a track
#494 opened by ngoc2003 - 0
Outdated Dependencies
#490 opened by Benny-Nottonson - 1
Missing GetCurrentUserPlaylists fetch function
#487 opened by Yedidya10 - 0
Unauthorized when uploading cover image
#488 opened by Matix-Media - 0
spotifyApi.setAccessToken is not a function
#485 opened by ritvik130 - 7
refreshAccessToken not FOUND
#441 opened by iamendy - 1
- 2
Player command failed: Cannot control device volume VOLUME_CONTROL_DISALLOW
#434 opened by iboxgithub - 1
Multi user config
#479 opened by DJHammers - 1
How to fetch more than 100 tracks from a spotify playlist at once using python
#476 opened by 70milan - 0
When calling getUserPlaylists()
#470 opened by Arodlives - 1
How can I play a track?
#468 opened by rafaferreirasantos - 0
Error When Not Enough Permission Is Requested
#467 opened by matthewyu23 - 4
Pagination issue for getUserPlaylists()
#439 opened by Cal-culator - 0
searchAlbums response doesn't match that of Spotify Console when using encodeUriComponent
#466 opened by ben-obringer - 1
Get the list of podcast episodes and download it
#453 opened by armandolio - 2
- 1
- 0
FR Musixmatch lyrics availble
#463 opened by Wolletje01 - 3
spotify_web_api_node_1.default is not a constructor
#457 opened by Arkmind - 0
[URGENT] Server Error with Code 500
#459 opened by Ayush-0801 - 1
Cant get Shows/Episodes
#435 opened by niveKKumar - 7
Offset not respected
#447 opened by justekoro - 1
How do you guys keep the users logged in?
#450 opened by igornj - 0
Dead link in
#451 opened by Kalmarv - 0
Error in getMe
#448 opened by MatheusRodri - 0
- 0
- 0
what is the longbaseuri thats passed to spotifyApi.uploadCustomPlaylistCoverImage
#444 opened by DevYemi - 1
spotifyApi.areFollowingPlaylist returning TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'join')
#443 opened by DevYemi - 0
Removed song on spotify Platform
#442 opened by DevYemi - 1
- 1
Please, I need an explanation on this: spotifyApi.areFollowingPlaylist('5ieJqeLJjjI8iJWaxeBLuK', ['thelinmichael', 'ella'])
#437 opened by o-laj - 1
I think this module need mock data
#436 opened by KoreanThinker - 6
Getting more than 100 tracks from a playlist
#433 opened by AffinityGH - 0