Missing paMissing parameter in "areFollowingPlaylist"
Luca-Tamburo opened this issue · 3 comments
In the documentation, the first parameter of "areFollowingPlaylist" is not specified.
In the doc it is written that "playlistId", and an array of usernames suffice, but in the implementation it is specified (as the first parameter), the "userId".
Documentation version: areFollowingPlaylist(playlistId, [followerIds])
Implementation version: areFollowingPlaylist(userId, playlistId, [followerIds])
Could you please update the documentation?
Looks like the endpoint structure itself might've changed.
This is the current endpoint from the Spotify docs: GET /playlists/{playlist_id}/followers/contains
This is how it's being implemented here: GET /users/{user_id/playlists/{playlist_id}/followers/contains
Link to the Spotify docs: https://developer.spotify.com/documentation/web-api/reference/check-if-user-follows-playlist
I'm opening a PR to cover this change 👍🏻
If you are looking to write an app with a newly written and updated SDK, take a look - https://github.com/Abdullah-Malik/spotified