
Whatsapp bot to get meme templates

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Memebot 😜




<template name>, count where count is an optional parameter specifying number of images returned.


  • i am in danger, 3 – returns top 3 image for the query
  • i am once again asking for your financial support – returns 1 image for the query

Setting up

To set up your own version of this Whatsapp bot

  • Create an account on Twilio and obtain the auth token and account SSID.
  • Set up the Whatsapp sandbox on Twilio. (Docs here)
  • Deploy this node project to service of your choice. I prefer repl.it
  • Create .env file with the following:

TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID = Your account SSID (obtained from Twilio)

TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN = Twilio Authorisation Token (obtained from Twilio)

SANDBOX_NUMBER = The twilio number with which you interact (obtained from Twilio)