Genetic and our algorithm for Multiprocessor Scheduling Problem

Primary LanguagePythonCreative Commons Zero v1.0 UniversalCC0-1.0

Solving Multiprocessor Scheduling Problem

Following 4 files can solve the Multiprocessor scheduling problem:

  • ga_msp.py
  • Machine.py
  • ListShd_p.py
  • ListShd.py

Best results were found with ListShd.py, to run these files use:

	python3 Code/ga_msp.py     < input  > output
	python  Code/Machine.py    < input  > output
	python3 Code/ListShd_p.py  < input  > output
	python  Code/ListShd.py    < input  > output

input should have format specified by input_format.md

output will have the time taken by best schedule found.

Link for project report

Link for test cases used

Paper for Genetic Algorithm

Paper for List Scheduling

Using scripts

  • Running ./convert.sh will take test cases from folders 50 and 100 convert format and output them in Inputs folder.

  • e1.sh,e2.sh,e3.sh,e4.sh will run ga_msp.py,Machine.py,ListShd_p.py,ListShd.py on testcases in Inputs folder and output results in Result_files folder.

  • eold.sh will generate input file from one of file in Generators and run all 4 above files on the input file.

  • a.sh reads the files in Result_files and optimal times from Optimal_values and outputs the average percentage above optimal values in Result_files/RESULT.txt