
A small collection of utilities for formatting text

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A small collection of utilities for formatting text. I use these in a number of other modules, so it's convenient to have these all in one place.


This function allows you to add left and right padding and to format numbers as binary, hexadecimal, or decimals.

let format = require('kld-text-utils').format;

let h = format("{0:x2}", 106);

# prints '6a'

Each format expression, surrounded by curly braces, consists of three parts:

  1. The argument index
  2. The format type
  3. The field width

The first argument after the format string is argument 0 and each argument thereafter increases by one. By using an argument index in your format, you can refer to the same argument in multiple places within the string.

console.log(format("{0} = ${0:X2}", 104));

# prints '104 = $68'

The format type indicates

Format Description
b print argument in binary. Leading zeros will be used to fill the width
s print argument as a string. The column will be filled with spaces
x print argument as hex. Lowercase letters will be used for a-f values
X print argument as hex. Uppercase letters will be used for A-F values


The repeat function creates a string by repeating a specified string a specified number of times.

repeat('abc', 3);

# results in 'abcabcabc'


This class allows you to emit source code, making it easy to maintain and print indentation.

let SourcePrinter = require('kld-text-utils').SourcePrinter;

let printer = new SourcePrinter();

printer.println('class Hello {').increaseIndent();
printer.printlnWithIndent('say() {').increaseIndent();

This would emit:

class Hello {
    say() {


This class allows you to format columns and rows of text (and numbers) into a table format.

var table = new Table(["First", "Middle", "Last", "Age"]);

table.addRow(["John", "William", "Dough", 48]);
table.addRow(["Susan", "Anita", "Bandita", 56]);
table.addRow(["Joe", "Ernest", "Cummings", 8]);


This would emit:

First Middle  Last     Age
===== ======= ======== ===
John  William Dough     48
Susan Anita   Bandita   56
Joe   Ernest  Cummings   8

Headers can be turned off by setting the boolean property showHeaders.

The divider character can be changed by setting the divider property.