
Send log information to Simple Logger for Ruby web applications

Primary LanguageRuby

Simple Logger (for Rack applications)

Asynchronously send request logs and errors to Simple Logger for your Ruby web app.

Note: This currently only supports Rack based applications.


Add the following to your Rack application's Gemfile:

# Gemfile
gem 'simple_logger', git: 'https://github.com/thelowlypeon/simple_logger'

If you're running your application with a config.ru, simply require simple_logger/rack and use SimpleLogger's middleware:

# config.ru
# ...
require 'simple_logger/rack'
use SimpleLogger::Rack::Middleware
run MyRackApp.new


Configure SimpleLogger any time before your app receives its first request.

For simple Rack applications, this is probably in a config.ru, but it could be in your bootstrap file or elsewhere. Make sure to require 'simple_logger' or 'simple_logger/rack' before you try to configre it.

require 'simple_logger'

SimpleLogger.configure do |c|
  c.http_auth_user = 'my_http_basic_username'
  c.http_auth_password = 'my_http_basic_password'
  c.ignore = lambda do |loggable|
    loggable.type == :request && loggable.value_for(:status) == 301
  c.ignore_paths = /\/(public|admin)/

Available Configs

  • http_auth_user (string): the http basic username for all requests
  • http_auth_password (string): the http basic password (used only if http_auth_user is set)
  • enabled (bool): you can manually disable SimpleLogger, such as when you're in development or test environments
  • simple_logger_url (string): set the destination for all your posted logs
  • batch_size (int): by default, SimpleLogger will queue 5 items before sending them
  • ignore (lambda): lamba that takes a loggable and returns a boolean indicating whether it should be ignored from logs
  • ignore_paths (regexp): regular expression for which paths to ignore from request logs



Out of the box, for every request, SimpleLogger will send

  • REST method
  • request uri
  • path
  • query (hash)
  • status
  • remote ip
  • user agent
  • language
  • referrer

You can add or remove keys by defining them on the Request object:



For all errors raised by your application (and rescued at the Rack layer), SimpleLogger sends:

  • error class
  • message
  • backtrace


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