
A Swift library for interacting with The Whether App API

Primary LanguageSwift


A library for defining and retrieving weather data for The Whether App.

Requesting Weather Data

Request weather data using the shared Whether instance.

let location = Whether.Location(latitude: 41.8825149, longitude: -87.6297767)
Whether.shared.weather(at: location) {(result) in
    switch result {
    case .success(let weatherReport):
      // ...
    case .failure(let error):
      // ...


IMPORTANT: WhetherKit authenticates by requesting a token from the server, and passing it for each request. Token granting is rate limited, so you Whether will persist the given auth token every time it is updated.

By default, Whether will use UserDefaults.standard for persistence between launches. If you'd like to use some other kind of persistence, simply implement the WhetherAuthenticationStorage protocol and initialize your own instance of Whether (rather than using shared). For example:

let manager = Whether(
  manager: Whether.defaultNetworkingManager,
  credentialStorage: myOwnAuthenticationStorage

It is very likely I'll add a per-app token rather than rate limiting by IP, so stay tuned for changes.

Data Types


A WeatherReport contains a bunch of weather snapshots and some meta data.


A weather snapshot is what represents the weather at a given point in time.

All public attributes are either raw types, such as the "summary" (which is an English string), or the uv index, which is a double, or Foundation's Measurements.

Foundation makes it easy to convert values from one unit to another:

snapshot.temperature.value // 21.0
snapshot.temperature.converted(to: .fahrenheit).value // 69.8

By default, all values are in SI units.

IMPORTANT: Most of these fields are optional and exist only based on where the snapshot exists. For example, precipitation accumulation doesn't exist for current weather, but does for daily weather. So while all snapshot types use the same struct, their public accessors vary.