- 2
Support for the STKNX chip
#305 opened by caiservass - 2
- 1
- 10
knx-linux-coupler fails on download application
#294 opened by ajlajlajl - 2
How to add thousands of callback to a single function and identify the the group object from callback parameter.
#302 opened by anand-010 - 2
- 1
ESP32 knx-demo-diy example could not programing, Invalid: 01.00.016 -> 15.15.000
#299 opened by dzungpv - 2
Compatible with NCN5120/NCN5121
#297 opened by dzungpv - 2
Example not working
#295 opened by labmaster - 0
- 12
- 5
Invalid TPuart frames
#293 opened by michaelkusolitsch - 4
Via ETS: Programming the physical address only works very rarely. Mostly never. At some point, with luck, it works.
#287 opened by radontec - 3
Stack stuck trying to load/unload application
#291 opened by embed-me - 2
Compile error on knx_facade.h when importing library in third party PIO project
#290 opened by PaoloTK - 5
compiling doesn´t work
#285 opened by radontec - 2
- 6
Basic documentation
#276 opened by nerdoc - 1
Arduino ethernet sheild supported?.
#263 opened by anand-010 - 1
callbacks missing occasionally
#235 opened by ErikMeinders - 3
Device programming via ETS
#212 opened by KreativeLabs - 1
CI Pipeline broken
#275 opened by Ing-Dom - 1
KNX-Demo no prog status in ETS
#280 opened by ztardik - 7
Missing ARDUINO_ARCH_RP2040 in knx/bits.h
#278 opened by mobil750 - 6
Pass through KNX-bus to Serial with H8C09 board
#239 opened by mrWheel - 2
- 8
- 3
Issue on decoding DPT 10.001 values - "Index"
#233 opened by Sonnengruesser - 0
big flash size though eeprom warning
#228 opened by traxanos - 0
#227 opened by ecarjat - 1
Transmitting Telegrams Over KNX Bus Error
#226 opened by skachuee - 1
getting error communicating with NCN
#224 opened by ajlajlajl - 0
DPT 1.24 and 1.100 missing
#225 opened by wolfib77 - 1
fasten TSAP and ASAP lookup by using binary search
#175 opened by Ing-Dom - 1
Unhandled service identifier: 20B on ESP8266
#204 opened by hhansen06 - 1
- 16
Porting to H8I8O board
#181 opened by pavkriz - 1
- 2
- 13
- 0
- 7
- 3
Is there a way to know that an upload is in action?
#192 opened by ChriD - 0
#183 opened by Ing-Dom - 2
Make MAX_APDU_SIZE configureable
#180 opened by Ing-Dom - 4
problems with APDU > 56
#178 opened by Ing-Dom - 1
Support direct reading and writing of flash memory
#176 opened by Ing-Dom - 5
- 1
- 3
How to force a memory save on power interrupt?
#154 opened by Sonnengruesser